Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I have a fella who buys eggs from me that insists I need another rooster. I have 14 hens & sell him about 5 dozen a week, but he says if there were more males I'd get more eggs... He's an old timer orifinally from WVA, so I figured he'd know better, but he's serious!
I just get calenders with pictures of roosters and hang in the barn. it works just as well and I don't have to feed them
Heck I may do that my self. Hang a picture of a rooster in the coop for my ladies to remind them that if they aren't good ill have to bring in the y gene!
"How can you afford to keep chickens?" Me: It's cheaper for me to raise 8 chickens a week than it is to buy a dozen eggs a week.
"Don't they die when they quit laying eggs?" Me: Yeah because we kill them. They don't just drop dead after they lay their last egg.
"Won't they taste funny?" Me: You're funny.

I usually get those three in that order.... And then I get this one...
"Don't you have to have a rooster to GET eggs?" Me: You have to have a rooster to get fertilized eggs.
Most people don't understand that response...?
Me and my freind :
'Can you lock up the Tom?' (He was kinda mean) - her
'Uh... No' - me
'you said you would!!' - her
' yes, if we were playing out here, were walking 3 feet to grab our bikes and then go biking... He's not gonna kill you' - me


'Does it bite?!?! D: ' - her (walking next to our rooster)
'no.....' - me
*she proceeds to run over to me. While the rooster is 5 feet away... And a bantam.... *

'Are the geese mean?' - her
'no they're good' - me
'..... My geese used to attack me ... '
'Well good for you, suck it butter cup and just walk over here!!!'

She claims she's good with animals / knows animals and she's just traumatized because she was little and geese used to fly at her or her roosters attacked her... She's a teen... And when I say sometimes they attack me and I'm fine she responds with 'well your used to them!'
And she wants to be a marine vet and work with animals. :rolleyes: I could just imagine her
She's not girly girly but def. has no idea what she's doing when it comes to animals. It's sad, really, because if I try to correct her (like that you can't sex a roo by if they jump up to bite something, like your finger) she throws a hissy fit and tries to act like she knows everything.... :rolleyes:
So last week the sife and I are sitting in the infusion center waiting to get her chemo.....

The infusion nurse overhears us talking about our new batch of chicks...

Nurse: do you have pictures?
Me: yup, here you go.
Nurse: (looking at the photos of cute black and white Dominique chicks) They aren't yellow...
Me: Nope, they are black and white as chicks
Nurse: When will they turn yellow...?
Me: they won't turn yellow.
Nurse: I thought all chicks were yellow.......
I have a fella who buys eggs from me that insists I need another rooster. I have 14 hens & sell him about 5 dozen a week, but he says if there were more males I'd get more eggs... He's an old timer orifinally from WVA, so I figured he'd know better, but he's serious!
I figure happy chickens make happy eggs! Then I hear all the horror stories of ripped up backs so not so sure the hens are that happy. sighs.
the ripped up backs you are talking about is an issue with breeders. using to large of a rooster causes it, also you have to keep their nails and spurs trimmed. some feathers missing from the back is normal, it happens when a rooster chooses a "favorite hen". if you add more room to the run it will usually slow down. myself, if I have overly active roosters I move them between pens of hens to give each of the hens a break.

on the other end of that, buying just hens is almost as cruel. have you ever seen the pictures of dumpsters behind hatcheries? that's why we decided to work as breeders instead of becoming a full blown hatchery. we don't sex our chicks when we sell them, we will breed sex links; but you still get them in a mix of males and females. I don't mean this to start an argument, and I understand people not wanting fertile eggs to eat.

I would like to see a place set up where you can take these extra roosters to be finished off and sent to the food banks. the US government wastes enough money on other things, why not something like this?
My constant thing before I ever had a rooster.

Friend: Did you use your chickens eggs in this potato salad. (Speaking to my mom).

Mom: Uh, yeah, why?

Friend: Ewww! Then I can't eat it, there was a baby in that egg!

Me: No there wasn't.

Friend: Yeah there was, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten an egg!

Me: I don't even have a rooster.....
I would like to see a place set up where you can take these extra roosters to be finished off and sent to the food banks. the US government wastes enough money on other things, why not something like this?
I don't know any place like that. Too bad, too. My aunt raises chickens on a much larger scale than my wife and I do. Whenever she gets roosters they end up feeding her family. She buys from others in the area that end up with roosters too. At least they aren't getting dumped in the trash.
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