Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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To the original posting topic:

Also everything dies, all that changes are quality of life and quality of death. (quick and clean out of the blue or in sleep; vs. slow painful, lion eating you alive.)

WHAT?!?! I don't believe it, meat DOESN'T come from a factory where it is made magically by Willy Wonka and his oompa-loompas?
I remember once when I was very young my mother asked me where the hamburger meat came from. I told her, "From cows." She then asked me, "From what part of the cow?" I had to think on that, I remember thinking I should know this but couldn't figure it out. So I said, "From the spaces between the muscles and guts." She laughed and laughed. She then went on to explain to me exactly where the meat came from and I didn't eat hamburger for almost a year!
StelleKitten: i can top that if you have the stomach to read on...

way long ago...
... in a gross primate anatomy class, we were finished with all the cats, fetal pigs, rabbits, monkeys and had finally gotten to human cadaver work. our professor was forever cracking jokes to "harden" us to the reality of dissection. but, he said as he lifted the rib cage off and exposed the entire chest cavity "look, he had a heart attack, see all the blown veins and arteries here...? did you know that humans taste like chicken?" and plucked a piece of meat from the cavity and popped it in his mouth. omg, half the class puked, some fainted, I was used to him, had taken all of his classes, but I couldn't eat chicken for almost 2 years.
of course, it was a set up, but it still gives me the yucks when i think about it...
That goes along with when folks try to say that their chickens have been fed an "all natural, vegetarian" diet.  Ummm....there is nothing natural about a vegetarian diet for chickens.  That would mean that they are cooped up all day long as far as I am concerned.  Bugs are not part of a vegetarian diet.    I've seen my chickens eat a toad that kept hopping back into their tractor.  Geesh! 


My wife is from Korea. Her dad and brothers would catch frogs and chop them up wix grass to feed their chickens. Without bugs and other natural proteins the yolks are an insipid yellow.
We have a friend that we used to sell eggs to sometimes. Her husband refuses to eat green eggs, but she says that she sneaks them in when he's not looking. ;)
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