Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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I was told by my sons girl friend that she thinks its mean that we are planning to eat the roos we have and that she wouldnt eat any cause they probably have diseases……She said she would rather eat McDonalds!!! OH if she only knew where that meat came from and what was really in it!!!
Lol, show her the pink slime.
Bless her heart.

Ask her how come they use duck or goose down for comforters and jackets. Let us know what she says. Should be interesting.

Reminds of a question on a test of auditory comprehension that I frequently give: "What keeps ducks warm in winter?" Most kids answer "fur". "From what is a brown, wool sweater made?" Answer: "A wolf." Oh! And Africa is a state. A teacher today told me that's because the curriculum does not teach them the states until middle school, if at all.

It's amazing what I hear ... and very, very scary.

Early in elementry school I remember we had to learn virtually everything about this country. Dunno why.
Bless her heart.

Ask her how come they use duck or goose down for comforters and jackets. Let us know what she says. Should be interesting.

Reminds of a question on a test of auditory comprehension that I frequently give: "What keeps ducks warm in winter?" Most kids answer "fur". "From what is a brown, wool sweater made?" Answer: "A wolf." Oh! And Africa is a state. A teacher today told me that's because the curriculum does not teach them the states until middle school, if at all.

It's amazing what I hear ... and very, very scary.
it's true we didn't learn the state names until highschool
i was talking with my nefew a few days ago i was showing him the duck egg's i'm incubateing and when i candled one and
he said "what is that in there?"
then i said "well thats a duckling"
then he said "so what does that type of chicken look like?"
it wouldn't have been so bad (because he is 5) if his ma didn't say the same thing (she's 24)
I was told by my sons girl friend that she thinks its mean that we are planning to eat the roos we have and that she wouldnt eat any cause they probably have diseases……She said she would rather eat McDonalds!!! OH if she only knew where that meat came from and what was really in it!!!

If you're not particularly fond of the young lady, let her have her way and allow nature to take it's course. And, once again, why do people feel free to make such disparaging remarks about other people's chickens (or whatever)? What ever happened to, "Say something nice or don't say anything at all?" Or is discretion only come with being old biddy? Such an odd world we now live in: you're being "mean" for eating your chickens, but being rude is perfectly acceptable. Hello out there? I just can't wrap my brain around it.
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Early in elementry school I remember we had to learn virtually everything about this country. Dunno why.

Ummmm. Maybe because we live here? A friend of mine whose father was in the Air Force lived in Guam for a while. He had to learn the history of Guam while he was in school there. Makes sense to me.
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