Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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My neighbor came over when our coop was first done and said " I am so excited that you have chickens. I grew up on a farm and raised chickens. I love them. I can't wait to hear the crowing." I said, " Oh, don't worry about crowing we only have hens." She said "Oh honey, I'm sorry but you won't get any eggs from them.

Some times its easier to just smile and nod than try to argue.
I do take a tent, just in case it rains. but im with you, I love looking at the stars. besides if your in a tent, how do you know when the bear is attacking?
Years ago my son and I would go camping with a tent, one time we were just ready to fall asleep and we heard a bear it walked by our tent and went into the lake and stomped/ splashed around for a few minutes. I turned and looked at my son and he was holding onto his baseball bat and shaking with eyes big as saucers! I was scared too. It was just a black bear but still scary. I always made sure all the food stuff was in the trunk of the car.
The first sign of a bear attacking is your tent falling in shreds around your ears with no prior provocation :) Funny thing is that I am more scared of the snakes getting me than a bear! It's why I camp with a fully loaded 9 mil under my pillow. The armor piercing rounds might be a wee bit overkill for snakes but I don't care lol
New neighbor down the road stopped by today to see if we could get our dog to stop doing "some sort of high pitched whiny barky thing at 5 AM".... My dog is german shepherd mixed with pitbull and currently weighs in at about 40 pounds. She doesn't do any sort of high pitched noises. Finally figured out he wants my roos to stop crowing when one crowed and he was amazed my dog could do that without opening her mouth! (Turns out he's from NYC and has never seen or heard a real live chicken before!)
The first sign of a bear attacking is your tent falling in shreds around your ears with no prior provocation
Funny thing is that I am more scared of the snakes getting me than a bear! It's why I camp with a fully loaded 9 mil under my pillow. The armor piercing rounds might be a wee bit overkill for snakes but I don't care lol
New neighbor down the road stopped by today to see if we could get our dog to stop doing "some sort of high pitched whiny barky thing at 5 AM".... My dog is german shepherd mixed with pitbull and currently weighs in at about 40 pounds. She doesn't do any sort of high pitched noises. Finally figured out he wants my roos to stop crowing when one crowed and he was amazed my dog could do that without opening her mouth! (Turns out he's from NYC and has never seen or heard a real live chicken before!)

I love it!
The first sign of a bear attacking is your tent falling in shreds around your ears with no prior provocation
Funny thing is that I am more scared of the snakes getting me than a bear! It's why I camp with a fully loaded 9 mil under my pillow. The armor piercing rounds might be a wee bit overkill for snakes but I don't care lol
New neighbor down the road stopped by today to see if we could get our dog to stop doing "some sort of high pitched whiny barky thing at 5 AM".... My dog is german shepherd mixed with pitbull and currently weighs in at about 40 pounds. She doesn't do any sort of high pitched noises. Finally figured out he wants my roos to stop crowing when one crowed and he was amazed my dog could do that without opening her mouth! (Turns out he's from NYC and has never seen or heard a real live chicken before!)
I would much rather be on the outside of that then when it happens.
snakes scare me, but if I woke up to a spider on my face I would squeal like a 9 year old girl.

I was kind of laughing about that new Yorker and chickens. then I realized, I don't think I could make it in new York. first off I'm a fat man, id be knocking people off the sidewalks. I would probably get arrested in the first couple ours for pulling up pants on teenagers, and yelling "turn that down". i tried the city a few times, Ive lived in Columbus, Toledo, and ocean city Maryland. couldn't make it more than a year in any place. i like a life where you can see through the fences, and you can still pee beside your shed and not have to worry. i have neighbors but you cant get much more in the woods than what i am, i love it here. you can barely see my barn roof with those overhead satellite pictures. my backyard is hillside, my front yard is pretty much non existent, there is a narrow road, a little grass, a small creek, and another hillside. all together this valley where my house is might be 150 feet wide. i just proofread this quickly and realized I'm a redneck chicken farmer who lives in a crack.
Then u are the best kinda people, in my opinion. I am a total redneck myself and the way I see it- my neck is red cause I have my head bent over one project or another all day! :)
My husband was defiantly from city stock and my family was all country bumpkins, when we were young I used to tell him how much I wished we could get a little place out in the country. He would say he would hate having to get up before the sun to "milk the chickens". Now we are retired and have that little place I always wanted, lol and if I oversleep DH gives me a little nudge and tells me "time to go milk the chickens" then rolls over and goes back to sleep. Lol
I used to think a lot like you, and there is nothing wrong with it. I just don't want to be dependent on other people. don't get me wrong guys, I love Duck Dynasty.

I just hate to see people addicted to technology, and have no real survival skills. I feel like their might be a war fought on America's soil in the next few years. I look at society and I realize if I were looking for a way to cripple it, the first thing I would do is turn off the electricity. most major government facilities have back up generators they wouldn't be affected. if and when that time ever came (I truly hope it doesn't) you wont be able to google what plants are edible or how to fertilize your tomatoes. there wont be any youtube videos on how to fix your chickens bumblefoot.

my wife is from a wealthy "high class" family, I really upset them one day in a conversation along this line. they like to refer to me as the redneck and they were cracking some Foxworthy jokes. after a little while I looked at her uncle, a self made millionaire and said "the difference between "high class" and "lower middle class" is: if technology was ever turned off, high class wouldn't know how to function. lower middle class would be right at home.

keep in mind, every great empire in the past has fallen. I hope its not in our lifetimes, but with the way things are going im afraid its going to be.

ask yourselves this "if theres no electricity, no gas, and no phone how would I survive?" if you can answer that question with a positive answer, you are ok. if the first thought in your mind is that you wont know what to do, then maybe its time to turn the tv off for a little while and plant a garden.

this is not intended to offend anyone, nor am I knocking technology. just an idea I think we should all be aware of.

Although I don't believe that we will find ourselves in a war that leaves us without the ability to continue on with our modern lifestyle, I like knowing that I'm NOT dependent upon it. My fear has always been that something would happen to my employment so that I couldn't afford to live. Plus, I'm just plain independent and ornery, so don't like depending on others. Therefore, it gives me a great feeling to know that, if the unexpected should ever happen, I'm not going to be frantically looking for a way to survive. Unfortunately, I have city friends who are looking to me as their "backup plan", which really irritates the stew out of me.
We never used a tent. How can you breath the fresh air and see the stars inside a tent?

The mosquito is our state bird. A tent keeps them out for the most part. The last time we were camping in a tent we had a forecast of isolated thunderstorms. Well that isolated thunderstorm stayed over us all night with high winds that blew the rain under the rain tarp. We had over 2" of water in the tent.
My husband was defiantly from city stock and my family was all country bumpkins, when we were young I used to tell him how much I wished we could get a little place out in the country. He would say he would hate having to get up before the sun to "milk the chickens". Now we are retired and have that little place I always wanted, lol and if I oversleep DH gives me a little nudge and tells me "time to go milk the chickens" then rolls over and goes back to sleep. Lol

Now that's funny. Time to milk the chickens. Your husband may be city stock, but he's got a good sense of humor.
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