Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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Personally ithink they have a slightly more gamey taste. Which I thoroughly enjoy.

I am going to guess the chicken in the picture is a cemani chicken. None of the silkie crosses I raised were anywhere near that dark in color.
Ok, I'm the dumb one for this. Gosh, never knew chickens had anything but pink or yellowish skin. I would have asked the same initial question…do they taste like regular chicken?

I'm sorry, but I just can't get past the fact that it looks like someone doused it in gasoline, then set a match to it.
I think they look neat... Maybe not yummy looking but neat. I'd eat it.
Would have guessed that "hennible"

just a joke, but don't know if I could.
I think it'd be funny to give somebody a piece of that as fried chicken and not tell them what color it was under the coating and watch the reaction....

(evil, evil me)
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