Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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If he had kids by wife #2 would they be their cousins or half siblings (I realize it is yes to both but wonder how they would answer)? That happened a lot in the early 1900's and before, if you don't believe me go to local geneology meetings.....
Guess they would be both.
Bet if we did a poll, many of us who have chickens are somewhat recluse. My chickens are more interesting than many people I have met..
And they love me just because….I'm the keeper of the mealy worms.

I think you're right. People who have chickens like being home to tend to them and don't think of it as taking any time or work, whereas people who want to be out and about socializing all the time would think of them as too much responsibility and/or work.
Recluse here, checking in. I have to give you a x100 on "My chickens are more interesting than many people I have met". I get bored with a lot of people and have no patience with them. Now my chickens, I can spend all day with them and have a wonderful time. We have the most interesting conversations.

The more I know about people, the more reclusive I become and the more I like my chickens. Cats, too.

It seems people have become more shallow, materialistic, and pretentious lately. Or, have they always been that way and it's just me becoming less interested in those things? Whichever, I've become less tolerant of people who don't want to be more involved with their own basic needs.
I think you're right. People who have chickens like being home to tend to them and don't think of it as taking any time or work, whereas people who want to be out and about socializing all the time would think of them as too much responsibility and/or work.
That statement fits me to a T. Every year when vacation time rolls around is very stressful for me. All of my family is 600+ miles away. I have to find someone to come in and take care my horse, my farm dog and my chickens. I have had some good folks that followed my instructions. And i have had some folks that thought their way was better than mine......... And my family can not understand why i am worried about everything at home, after all they are 'just' chickens......
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