Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

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You can get one of those outdoor temp/humidty thermometers.  I just got the Acurite  that has 3 outdoor sensors and it does seem pretty accurate and reasonably priced.  You can read from inside house.  It was recommended by a member in another thread.

Here's one with one outdoor sensor :

I want to thank everyone that helped me with my group I am new to this we have a lot of holes in their they're doing great they are still laying eggs it's great to know that can ask any question and get such great answers thank you my girls thank you I put hay down so their feet don't get cold it's 32 degrees out right now so I do keep an eye on them if I had my way I put diapers on them and let them roam in my house lmfao thanks again to all my fellow chicken lovers
You can get one of those outdoor temp/humidty thermometers.  I just got the Acurite  that has 3 outdoor sensors and it does seem pretty accurate and reasonably priced.  You can read from inside house.  It was recommended by a member in another thread.

Here's one with one outdoor sensor :

awesome idea checking with the husband he loves his girlsI am also searching for a heavy duty tarp so when it rains or snows they have a dry area besides the pen
I came across a photo of a "lash egg" before reading the latest discussion here. If anyone wants to see what one looks like, here's the link:

(Scroll about 1/2 way down the screen to see)
Guess I should have added "warning...gross out pic ahead", lol.

But really, the article was interesting, sure hope I don't ever see one in our coop. Looks like really bad news for the hen that dispels one. You can read the entire article by clicking on the heading on the link I sent. Oh, and "warning...gross out pics ahead"!
have a question one of my Rhode Island Reds is molting the other 5 not it's pretty cold outside this morning it was 18 she's getting bald should I be concerned, should I bring her don't want her to die on me
Not so much a dumb thing somebody said, but I found it amusing none the less. Today, one of my regular clients was in, and told me today that this weekend she just realized that her neighbor behind her has 5 chickens. She knows I have chickens and was telling me about it, and I filled her in on a few things about them, that its likely that they're all hens given that she would have heard a rooster by now. And informed her about all the fun things that chickens will eat.

Of course, right before she told me that, she was updating me about the student who claimed to be under an Ebola quarantine during the week of Midterms at U of Michigan. Just for that week. Radio silence from him, so unless he comes up with a doctor that would come up with proof that he needed to be quarantine just for a week back then by tomorrow morning, she drops the hammer on him.
Not so much a dumb thing somebody said, but I found it amusing none the less.  Today, one of my regular clients was in, and told me today that this weekend she just realized that her neighbor behind her has 5 chickens.  She knows I have chickens and was telling me about it, and I filled her in on a few things about them, that its likely that they're all hens given that she would have heard a rooster by now.  And informed her about all the fun things that chickens will eat.  

Of course, right before she told me that, she was updating me about the student who claimed to be under an Ebola quarantine during the week of Midterms at U of Michigan.  Just for that week.  Radio silence from him, so unless he comes up with a doctor that would come up with proof that he needed to be quarantine just for a week back then by tomorrow morning, she drops the hammer on him.   

Never ceases to amaze the stories people come up with when trying to avoid things lol. Think he may have outsmarted himself with this one though :)
Wow! Say this student survives this round of mid-terms, and goes on to survive the following, and actually graduates... then enters the work force. What kind of work ethic is he going to demonstrate in the work force? How would you like to work with him????? I used to serve as a clinical instructor for students. The first student I had was wonderful. He was motivated, professional in demeanor and appearance, asked appropriate questions, at the appropriate times, interacted well with all of the patients. But, every other student I worked with was a piece of work. They would argue about working a 5 day work week, often, on day one, they would INFORM me that they were allowed 3 sick days during this 6 week clinical. They didn't know even the basics, and had to be babied through every treatment and documentation... and when corrected on the documentation, they would argue with me!!! I finally refused to take any more students!
I used to have a gal that worked for me that was either very late or absent at least 2-3 each month. Every time she claimed it was because she hit a deer and couldn't drive. If she had truly killed every deer she claimed, in a 12 month time period, NE KS would have had a zero deer population. She had been with the company several years and all previous supervision knew she was a loafer but instead of showing her the door, they would just pass her on to someone else's department. I finally showed her the door and she was shocked.
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