Dumor vs Purina Laying Feed


Oct 13, 2017
Glen Rock, Pennsylvania
Question for all the chicken peps out there.

I have a flock of about 70 hens and 1 tiny rooster, haha. I've been feeding them Dumor feed since they were chicks. When they started laying I was getting Large eggs. A couple of months ago I noticed the feed was darker and had a different smell. The eggs then started to decrease in size. Now I'm only getting small to med. size eggs. I've read some reviews on the dumor, which I should have done before but I didn't. I'm reading some bad things. I switched to Purina and the feed smells a lot better, isn't as dark. Now I just have to wait and see if things get better.
Any thoughts??????
Question for all the chicken peps out there.

I have a flock of about 70 hens and 1 tiny rooster, haha. I've been feeding them Dumor feed since they were chicks. When they started laying I was getting Large eggs. A couple of months ago I noticed the feed was darker and had a different smell. The eggs then started to decrease in size. Now I'm only getting small to med. size eggs. I've read some reviews on the dumor, which I should have done before but I didn't. I'm reading some bad things. I switched to Purina and the feed smells a lot better, isn't as dark. Now I just have to wait and see if things get better.
Any thoughts??????

I'm not sure if this I e case for you, but my hens' eggs started getting smaller about a month before they started molting. Now that molting is in full swing (maybe half way over?) I only get about 8-10 eggs a d
I never thought of that, that may be why, but the food still concerns me because of the smell and color change. I even called to see if there was a change in the feed and I was told no change had been made. Hopefully they start to get large again, my customers love the large eggs.
FWIW.... I believe Dumor is made by Purena.... After the feed leaves the factory Its up to the wearhouse on how well its kept. I have a friend that owns a feed store then bought one in the next town for a good price. When she got in there she found that the reason the place was failing was Half of the feed was past the expiration date and most of that had gotten wet at some point.

Do good dilligence (reading) on Fermented feed. You can ferment Any feed and there are extensive threads on it.... Its difficult to manage for large flocks. If not done properly can wipe out the whole flock.

Not against it... but Not manageable in my climate or with the large flock I plan on keeping. Which will be about the same size as yours. Guineas, chickens, and other fowl.

If you open a bag of feed and find it objectionable.... Smell, Color, hardened chunks, mold.... Most reputable feed stores will take it back and give you another. If they wont find another feed store. I dont fuss over bugs.... Or worms... I feed that off first the chickens love it.

Feed companies will change the recipe according to how expensive the ingredients become. In other words they are not required to keep the same recipe. You can send your feed off (ask your local agricultural agent) to have the ingredients verified. I use Purina as I've always liked the uniformity of the feed.

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