Dust bath?

My chicks are not quite two weeks old yet and they have a dust bath. I really do not think it could hurt them at any age, it is fun and helps them keep bugs away. Mine were trying to take one in the wood chips, then when they were out on a blanket I put a handful of food down, they tried to take a dust bath in that too. I just gave them a mix of peat moss and sand, they love it! I was not really sure what to give them either, I was going to use just plain dirt from the garden, but it was too rainy. There are a few great threads on the subject, it seems the most commonly used things are DE, peat moss, plain dirt, sand and wood ashes, just about any combo of those. Do not use pool DE, it needs to be food grade DE.

Here is a good thread on Dust Baths: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/645891/what-is-your-favorite-dust-bath-mixture
I use ash from our woodstoves. They love it and it's a good treatment/deterrent for mites. I don't have, nor have I ever had, a problem with mites but I've heard it works for them. Good luck! :)
After all I have read about DE and the fact that I have read much more bad experience than good. Also the fact that it seems like a ''snake oil'' touted to cure almost every pest known to man but I was not able to find any scientific studies that showed it was any more efffective than using nothing. Add to that lots of cautions (like use a mask when applying) makes me think it is better left on the shelf for me and my coop.
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I use a combination of sand and diatamaceous earth for my chickens' dust bath area, although they will dig in the earth and create their own "dust baths" anywhere.

In the house I've had problems with ants for years and years. This spring I spread diatamaceous earth in the areas where they come in and walk. This is the first year that the ants have finally disappeared from my kitchen! I don't think it's coincidence. I hope the DE does the same on my chickens to keep off any insect pests.

Here's a picture of one of my bantams having the time of her life in the new diatamaceous earth/sand bath area. I wish I could post of video of her digging and rolling and flipping dust over herself.

I am also a new backyard chicken owner and I am learning lots! One thing I learned was to use Diatomaceous Earth for their dust bath. I have 9 2 yr old hens. I put a tub in their covered area about 2 x 3' and about 8" deep. Then I put a bag of DE in it and they LOVE it! I also use it for my flock of Bob White Quail hens - who also love it. Now I have some baby chicks but don't think I will give them a dust bath for a few months. Elena
I just used a dog dish full of construction sand, they absolutely love it and since i give them treats i toss a handful of chick grit in it and it serves both purposes.

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