Dust bathing picture thread!!!

I wish people would post pics. I need help to. I have cat boxes full of a dust bath mix and nothing. No dust bath action going on. What Am I doing wrong?
I wish people would post pics. I need help to. I have cat boxes full of a dust bath mix and nothing. No dust bath action going on. What Am I doing wrong?
I totally don't know, not having my own yet, but I love speculation.

It seems that hens can be kinda particular about what they dust bathe in. Have you ever seen them digging holes and fluffing elsewhere? From what I've read they sometimes just prefer dirt outside.
Also, how old are your fluffer butts? I read something about younger ones having a hard time figuring it out.
Lastly, the cat boxes might be too small for them. I could see a hen preferring something a little more roomy than a cat box. If that is an issue, I'm thinking you could make a very simple sandbox, or even perhaps buy a sandbox or a kiddie pool to fill up.
Also, what's in the dust bath mix? Like I mentioned at first, it seems like the birds can be kinda finicky sometimes to the dusting material. Perhaps like cats and litter? I saw ash mentioned a few times here and there on the interwebs, maybe that would be an option, though I'm not sure what kind.

Anyone with experience want to throw down their best tips?
Mine like the sand/sweet PDZ mix. They roll around in it like a dog scratching it's back, flap around, etc. They all seem to use the section underneath the poop board. They've also dug out a section under the coop to bathe in which is mostly sand with some PDZ in it.

I have no pictures though, sorry.
Hi all. I have two of these little tykes play houses. I was thinking of turning one into a dust bathing house. This wa it will remain covered.
The other I was thinking of making a food and watering station. They would be side by side connected by roosting bars. They would both be in their enclosed run where their coop is as well.
What do you think? Any suggestions?

So far I filled one with ash, DE, sweet PDZ, sand and peat moss. It's covered with a little barn door for them to use.

I know they are DBing in the coop because I see holes. They are for sure under the coop DBing so I added more dry bath mix.

I would love it if they used what I made for them. Lolololol.
Mine found a gopher hole once.... That hole is now 4 feet long X 1 foot wide and 9 inches deep. Why does it have to be right inside the gate... When my wife saw them dust bathing the first time.... she started yelling because she thought some of them had died...

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