Dust bathing


Apr 29, 2021
Middle Tennessee
I have a 5 week old cockerel that is dust bathing incessantly....I have checked and double checked for mites and don't see anything. He's acting completely normal otherwise, eating, drinking, pooping and all that. He's not losing feathers or anything like that either. Help!!
What is your definition of incessantly? At five weeks old is doubtful he'd have mites or anything, but even so, many chickens can have mite or lice infestations and don't necessary dust bath more. Growing feathers isn't comfortable, so he could just be trying to alleviate discomfort.
What is your definition of incessantly? At five weeks old is doubtful he'd have mites or anything, but even so, many chickens can have mite or lice infestations and don't necessary dust bath more. Growing feathers isn't comfortable, so he could just be trying to alleviate discomfort.
He'll just lay in the dirt and flop around and ruffle his feathers for like 15-20 minutes at a time all day long. I only say inssecently because none of my other chicks do that🤷‍♀️ Today it rained and he did it in a mud puddle...🙄 he's supposed to be white, he's now brown. Lol
He'll just lay in the dirt and flop around and ruffle his feathers for like 15-20 minutes at a time all day long. I only say inssecently because none of my other chicks do that🤷‍♀️ Today it rained and he did it in a mud puddle...🙄 he's supposed to be white, he's now brown. Lol
Haha I still feel like he is probably fine. However, it never hurts to continuing monitoring him for further changes in behavior.
Does he make those happy little chicken purring noises when he does it? My little cockerel used to ‘mock’ dust bathe in my lap or on the towel during his photo shoots when he was little - silly bean! I’m convinced that half the time they treat dust baths the way we treat a nice hot bath - not necessarily to get clean but just to relax. I call it spa-daying :p .
Does he make those happy little chicken purring noises when he does it? My little cockerel used to ‘mock’ dust bathe in my lap or on the towel during his photo shoots when he was little - silly bean! I’m convinced that half the time they treat dust baths the way we treat a nice hot bath - not necessarily to get clean but just to relax. I call it spa-daying :p .
Well we have 43 chicks so I'm ever sure who is making what noise😂 but he certainly seems to enjoy himself!

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