Dust baths


Mar 28, 2021
So our chickens have decide the spot that used to be our burn pile for yard debris is a perfect dust bath. We burned everything in the pile this spring and now the barren ashy spot is enclosed in their chicken yard. Wondering if it's okay to add the ash from our Weber charcoal grill to the spot to renew the dust in the spot? Since we use lighter fluid to light the briquettes, didn't know if that would leave a residue in the ash that would be harmful to the chickens? Anybody know?
Unless you live someplace where it rarely rains, chickens shouldn't bathe in ashes, once they get wet ash turns to caustic lye and can hurt them plus it's not good to breathe.
It's more dirt than ash at this point. But if it was hurting them, I would think they wouldn't keep dusting in it everyday. They free range most days and have several other spots they could choose from, but they all pile into that particular spot and have a dust party on the daily.
They like it light and fluffy! We add wood ash to areas of the run, but have also added sawdust, peat moss, and chipped wood. So, yes, you can add the ash, but might also want to mix in some other stuff to it too.
They like it light and fluffy! We add wood ash to areas of the run, but have also added sawdust, peat moss, and chipped wood. So, yes, you can add the ash, but might also want to mix in some other stuff to it too.
They also really liked the mulchy soil in my freshly built flower bed, so they'd probably love it if I added that to the spot too. Thanks!
I don't use lighter fluid for grilling because I don't want to ingest any of it; I don't KNOW that it would harm the chickens to dust in it, but I wouldn't let mine.

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