Dusty...Or Is This Smoky, LOL? Blue Orpington Suede-ette


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
18 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
I tried and tried to get a decent picture of both 13 week old Blue Orpington pullets today, but they kept coming out blurry. Here is one of the girls-I have to see them together to know who is who. Smoky has lighter hackles than Dusty and is larger. I thought for the longest time she was a he. So, here is either Dusty or Smoky AND a picture of CJ, whose tail is getting very long, as you can see. He hasnt crowed yet, but his shiny midnight blue saddle feathers are coming in now. He's such a sweetheart and so calm.

absolutely gorgeous!!! I am so jealous! I only have one and want them all

OMG, I just reread your post!! C.J. is going to be the most beautiful roo ever! I so wish I lived closer. ha ha He such a good looking bird.
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Cyn, those blues are so perty! I am lovin that blue coloring more and more.
I am going to have to get me some blue orps soon too.

Love pictures of my Grand chicks.....even though Im not old enough to be a grandma LOL. She is turning out beautifully Cyn. I hope you get eggs out of her early. The ones I have here are being stinkers and not laying yet.

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