Dutch Bantams Breed Thread

Does anyone have any dutch bantam chicks for sale? That ships?
Dunno if I'm in the right thread, but through some trial and error and lots of advice, I THINK my rescued bantams are Dutch. Not sure what 'color' however, as the cockerel esp. seems to have the neck feather color of a 'pyle' and the remaining of a 'self blue' . I can't find a picture of a 'self blue' pullet, but guess that's what the hens are. The un-tufted feet, long back tail feathers on the male, and the white ear lobing seem typy? Only off items seem to be that my male is 24oz, which seems a bit big, did not weigh the ladies. Other is that just under the edges of the fine neck feathers, it looks almost like wattling? I'm waiting to get a pic off my phone that shows that. Not sure if it's injury or 'normal' or a defect...

Anyway, the goal is to figure out what they are, 'cause I'm determined to make more of these little guys. Mine have the best sweet natures. They'd by far rather roost on a person than anywhere else, and so far have had the manners not to poop on anyone. Don't that beat all? :) Thanks!
Dunno if I'm in the right thread, but through some trial and error and lots of advice, I THINK my rescued bantams are Dutch. Not sure what 'color' however, as the cockerel esp. seems to have the neck feather color of a 'pyle' and the remaining of a 'self blue' . I can't find a picture of a 'self blue' pullet, but guess that's what the hens are. The un-tufted feet, long back tail feathers on the male, and the white ear lobing seem typy? Only off items seem to be that my male is 24oz, which seems a bit big, did not weigh the ladies. Other is that just under the edges of the fine neck feathers, it looks almost like wattling? I'm waiting to get a pic off my phone that shows that. Not sure if it's injury or 'normal' or a defect...

Anyway, the goal is to figure out what they are, 'cause I'm determined to make more of these little guys. Mine have the best sweet natures. They'd by far rather roost on a person than anywhere else, and so far have had the manners not to poop on anyone. Don't that beat all? :) Thanks!
First of all they are not Dutch. One of the main traits of Dutch is the White earlobes. Your's have red. They look more old english game to me.

I know these particular pics aren't the best. There is a small round spot of white on all of them. Either this particular one has smaller white lobes, or perhaps they are a Dutch/OEGB cross? The OEGB threads won't claim 'em either, tho have had a person offer to take them off my hands. LOL. I just got the little cuties!

Chances are, they are hatchery "Dutch", which likely have OE blood in them.

Cute, but not very close to true Dutch type. But if you like them, they will probably make nice pets.
They DO make nice pets :) . Even the roo is sweet as can be and they all like to be held and petted. Do you think it's OEGB in their blood that makes for the less prominent white lobe? I wish I knew *anyone* else around with a similar breed.
Any way, I seem to be getting a "don't bother breeding these with Dutch, 'cause they aren't Dutch" enough vibe. Hokay. will see what I can get on the OEGB side.


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