EagleClan StreamClan MistClan StormClan ShadowClan*~ a warriors RP

Ashstorm landed with a dull thump and lay limp. After a second or two or lying still he dragged himself into a position where he could see Hawkfeather and propped himself up with his front lega. "Go for help..." He croaked as loud as he could. "Find Icestar..."
"I'm trying!" Hawkfeather fended off the rogues with hard blows as blood trickled from a slice in her ear. She wanted to run and find help, but feared the rogues might attempt to kill Ashstorm.
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Ashstorm saw her hesitation and understood why, but the Clan needed to be warned, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. At this rate, they would both be dead soon. He struggled to his feet, ignoring the warm feeling of fresh blood seeping out the wound in his neck. "Go Hawkfeather, run!" He said again. "I'll hold them off...!"
"So will you if you stay!" He willed her to go with all his heart, however much he wanted to spend what could possibly be the last few minutes of his life with her, he couldn't bear to see her meet the same fate... and then there was the Clan.
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Leaping and snarling came another attacker, rolling her onto her back and crushing her under his weight, shredding the skin on her stomach. He slammed a heavy paw onto her muzzle, a horrid cracking noise erupting.
Ashstorm snarled with rage and launched himself at the rogue. His anger blinded the pain cursing through his body and made him fearless. If Hawkfeather didn't go now, she wouldn't make it with her own injuries. His front claws slammed into the rogue from the side and knocked him off her. Instead of staying with him, however, he doubled back to shield her from the others. "Go now!" He wheezed. "Go through EagleClan territory." Maybe there would be a border patrol and they could help her... surely they wouldn't leave her to die!?
Hawkfeather gasped loudly in pain and her eyes widened as the rogue pinned her and raked her stomach. A weak wave of relief pulsed in her chest as Ashstorm shoved the rogue off of her. She laid there for a few seconds, gasping, then rolled and stood up. She stared with fire burning in her blue eyes at Ashstorm as he told her to go find help. She nodded and shoving her way through some wrestling cats, dashed with a hard limp towards out of the now blood-stained clearing and into the deep forest. She regreted every step, as she knew she might be leaving Ashstorm to die.
Ashstorm's gaze followed her for a second, he wanted to watch her forever but knew he couldn't. I love you... He knew she couldn't hear his thoats, but it made him feel slightly better. He wished he had time to tell her, maybe she already knew. Ripping his eyes from her fleeing form, he faced the rest of the rogues boldly. He didn't fear death, he wasn't afraid of meeting StarClan. His only wish was that he could have spent more time with Hawkfeather. The rogues outnumbered him by many, and in his current state he knew he wouldn't last for long. Hawkfeather, however, did have a head start and EagleClan wasn't that far away. Maybe Stormstar would take him prisoner instead of killing him, the thought of that was even worse then dying, even if it allowed him to live for perhaps a few more days. I hope its quick.
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