Early Crower

I have a Crevecouer that started trying to crow at 2 weeks old. He'd make the motion, but no sound would come out. By 3 weeks, he was managing (hysterical) noises regularly. By 10 weeks he was hopping on the biggest hens who were like "What the hell are you doing child?". Most precocious chicken I've ever seen.

Edit: It was funny really. He wasn't courting them in any way, nope, not this boy. He'd wait until they were eating, or looking at a bug or something, and then kind of sneak up behind them and go round the side and hop! He did eventually try courting which was also pretty funny, but it didn't work at all. Now he's about 5 months old and he appears to have given up on life, though he's finally big enough to do something. Not sure I'll ever get chicks!
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You sound like a disappointed grandparent: "I don't think I'm ever going to get grandchickens!" 😂
(I purchased a 14chick mystery flock, on July 1st, and I'm REALLY hoping I don't have more cockerels than pullets!!🤯
Time will tell...)
If you post pics of the others, we can help!! I totally get the concern though. My first hatch ever I wound up with 8 boys out of 9 chicks 😭:th it worked out though cause I kept some and ended up with his kids and grandkids which I still have. 😁 ended up with more boys then too haha 2/4 and 4/9 respectively lol

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