To start this off, i’ll introduce my current chickens.

Rizo, the Black Sex Link. Shes pretty grumpy, but she has a soft side.

Isbe, short for Isabella, my Easter Egger. She’s quite scared of heights so is nervous to be picked up a lot of the times unless you hold her well.

Peep, my lovely Japanese bantam roo

And my other Japanese bantam hens and rooster, which i’ll try getting photos of later.

Isbe raised the Japanese bantams and Sebright but Peep ended up falling madly in love with her. He puffs up like a turkey and runs after her. I’m pretty sure Isbe is all he thinks about in his day. He got so crazy we had to separate them though so now he’s just with the flock of Japanese Bantams. All the Japanese bantams from the first hatch are gone but the ones i have currently are Peeps children.
Thank you all!

I’m getting some bantam chickens tomorrow at a show. Not sure how many or what kind, but i’ll be sure to post photos. I’m really hoping for some bantam cochins or Duccles :fl
After going to the show they had a lot of birds but not quite what i was looking for. I’m going to look online for some birds and see how it goes but i really want dUccles to add to the flock!

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