East Bay Bantams

I had the same experience with my cochin. We was only laying for about 2-3 weeks then went broody. She hatched one chick from another hen and wasn't laying for a total of 8 weeks. She's been laying for two weeks again and I'm getting an egg each day from her so I'm pretty satisfied. Hopefully your ladies will do the same.
Lost a chick to a gorgeous kestrel, who is now on my s...t list. All my birds are freaked. What a really, really awful bummer. Gorgeous bird of prey, just don't want it eating my chicks! GRRRRRRR..... :(
I guess everyone stays in for awhile. This is why I need a full-sized rooster! Ricky is a bantam, and my other two are still juvenile delinquents. sigh... My Roo Joe always used to keep the hawks away. Miss him. At least my dog went and barked at the hawk. He hates birds of prey for some strange reason...
Sorry to hear about your chick. Hawks haven't been a problem here so far, but I pay more attention now that we have the Seramas. They are such tiny targets. I have noticed more hawks lately. Maybe they are migrating? The local jays do a good job of chasing most of them off.

If my dogs saw a kestral after a chicken, they would be just as likely to go after the chicken! Anything to break up the fight. They're really good around the flock, but not sure if they have protective instincts for them. More interested in stealing chicken food!
Crap... I did something stupid. Without really thinking I bid on a red bantam cochin rooster on Facebook. It's only $5+shipping which is a great deal, but I don't really have space for him since I'm going out to Dyann Blaine's place to buy a roo tomorrow that is much better for the project I am starting.

Now I don't really know what to do...
new guy her hi all. I was just wondering If anyone else has sultans? I just right now realized I have tWo
Thanks fox. I believe like always I stuck my foot in my mouth and spoke before I should've. after reading all night I have come to an affirmative decision... I have no idea what the hell i have..lol I do have quite a few pretty good mixture of everything Most being americauna,but I have these two Pullets that I have no idea what they are. they have feathered feet and five toes
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Ooooh, a mystery. You'll have to post some pictures. Silkies, Houdans, Dorkings, and Faverolles have 5 toes like he Sultans. Could they be a mix with a feather-legged breed?
If you post photos, I would be happy to take a stab at identifying them. :]

I have two girls that came out of hatchery quality d'uccles and I'm not sure they qualify as... Well... Anything. One has a beard and muff. The other doesn't. Neither has feathered hocks. Both have feathered feet. Especially after seeing my friend's SQ porcelain D'Uccle on Sunday I feel like these ladies I am raising are totally messy.

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