Easter Egger, Ameraucana and REAL RIR! PICS


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Snapped this nice picture of my Easter Egger, June, my blue Ameraucana, Nora, and one of the three Rhode Island Red pullets I kept from Bama Chicken's stock. Cant tell them apart reliably yet, but it's either Cherry, Autumn or Amber, not sure which, LOL. LOVE her color, dont you?
June is about 28 weeks old and no egg yet!!!! ARGH! She's a big girl and so pretty, even has the proper leg and eye color for a true Ameraucana, but obviously the color isn't standard. I think she's so pretty anyway.

(Picture has been removed)

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Wow they are gorgeous, that RIR is beautiful! I never had SQ Rhode Island Reds, always the hatchery-bred production-types. It was a long time before I even knew there was a difference.
Oh Cyn, they are BEAUTIFULL!!! I LOVE June's coloring.
I could only WISH to get some of those blues one day.
I have 2 Easter Eggers like your June. I thought they were Ameracaunas. Am I wrong. Mine are like your gold one there.
June is most likely the result of breeding two different color Ameraucanas. I think that because of her proper eye and leg color. I believe that she has some Blue Wheaten in her background, as the breeder the egg came from has true Ameraucanas and what would be considered Easter Eggers as well.
I love your blue Ameraucana. I just had four of my own blue Ameraucanas hatch out last night. I am excited. These are my first chicks from my Ameraucanas. So far, I have 12 total. I am hoping to keep most of them. I hate to get rid of any of them. They are so cute.
Nice chickens!
I love my blue Ameraucanas, too. I have one who is older named Charlotte and Charlotte's black daughter, Gypsy, as well a Nora's splash sister, Snow. Nora is a tiny bit skittish, but the rest of them love being held all the time.

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