Easter egger, buff orp crosses


12 Years
Jan 23, 2008
I have 2 chicks that hatched in the coop from green eggs. The rooster is a buff orp. The chicks are darkish, multicolored and have green shanks. My question is; since they're EE/buff orp crosses, are they still considered EE or not? Or you don't know until they lay? Thanks.
Thought I would try to answer a bit better/kinder...

I think if you breed an Easter Egger to ANYTHING you will have Easter Egger chicks. At least those that have crossed Ameraucana's and other breeds such as Barred Rocks, BO, and others, they consider the offspring Easter Eggers. Hope this helps

Post pictures when you can, I bet they will be cute!
Thanks that does help. I have someone coming to take the cute little mutts so I may never know what color egg they end up laying. It was the green shanks that made me think they might still be EE, even with the BO contribution. Out of that hatch I also ended up with 3 BO/Australorps. I'll try to post pics later.
I've heard some things about the green egg genetics. Something like if the chick is from a green/blue egg, they will lay a green or blue egg. Or at least the chances are good. I'm not positive of course, so hopefully somebody else will come along and clarify.

Glad to hear you have homes for the fuzzybutts
They might still lay green eggs. Some folks even cross a dark brown(like a Welsummer) with one to get a dark green olive colored egg. If they came from a blue or green egg, then they still might lay a greenish egg.
I have a BO/EE cockerel from my BO Aggie and my EE Sydney. He's a good looking bird. Big guy with yellow legs but with an EE head. He's a beautiful rusty red color...
no idea where that came from! With a black tail. I want to call him an EE but those yellow legs just scream "something else!"
He's a hybrid. I hear they are all the rage these days.

I wonder if I can get a tax credit....

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