Easter Egger chick colors?

No. The vast majority of Easter Eggers are sourced from hatcheries. Those birds are not mixed breeds. They just haven't been selectively bred to meet a specific standard, like the Araucana and Ameraucana breeds have. With the increase in backyard flock keeping in recent years, some are actually Ameraucana or Legbar mixes, but those make up a very small percentage of Easter Eggers.

Thanks. I was asking as I have two EEs that are different in color shape and size that I figured they were just random mixes.
I have a mixed flock of 15 girls that were hatched on 2/20. I was wanted to raise them from babies but I also wanted an early start due to shorter summers where I am. Well last week I tried my hardest but couldn't resist the baby chicks at the feed store but I came out with 3. The two dark ines were in a bin marked "pullet-blue layer" and the yellow chick in a bin marked. "pullet-green layer" Does anyone know what kind of chicks these are? Do they fall under a certain breed, or are they just a generic "Easter Egger"?
Ok four week pics.

Pearl is getting a peachy reddish color to her chest and some rust spots here and there though they are nearly impossible to see.


Ida who I am suspicious of since these are unsexed.

And Fern sexed as a standard pulled but smaller than some of my bantam ee's.
Re:post 240;

What a pretty bird. I can see from the chick down the bird is heterozygous for both the wild-type and the brown alleles. she's also carrying one copy of the Colombian Gene. That is why you're seeing white neck and the Beautiful Columbian Feathering on the neck.... which would be the white feathers with the black stripe down the center .real pretty bird .
The brown allele is what is causing the brown helmet on the chick down head. the wild-type allele is what is causing the stripes on the chick's back.
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I just had some easter egger bantams hatch out last Sunday that my chocolate Orpington bantam incubated!!
She hatched out 8 of 12 eggs and it's first brood! So far she is doing excellent
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Here are my Easter Eggers.


This is Ophelia. She has such the personality! Lol! I am curious to see what she will look like. She was such the sweetheart as a baby!
(And she looked very different:)

This is my other one, Alice. She is a bit more shy but still has some spunk.

She has similar coloring to when she was younger.

Can't wait to see how they will turn out!
Aw I just got 2 Easter eggers and one (accidental) Brahma a few weeks ago. We got them at about a week old:

Now they're just a little over 4 weeks. Can't wait to see what their final coloring turns out to be! They beige/greyish one is the sweetest little chick, she loves snuggling right under my chin!

Good Easter morning!!
I need some help determining pullets and cockerels with my litttle 2 week old chicks! (If possible due to age)


I got several breed because I wanted a variety of color in my flock. If I was to do it over I would have gotten several more EE love there patterns
Betsy is grayish
Gravel has the golden orange chest

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