Easter Egger club!

I looked and looked for photos, but could not find them.  They were basically chipmunk striped, very dark, one was almost black with very puffy cheeks.  Also, I selected for only green legs, not yellow.  Wanted to see how they would grow out and I am pleased.  I was not expecting the blue feather coloration that has appeared, though, that was not so obvious when they were chicks.  It  was a nice little surprise.
Well, they are gorgeous! I hope my three look similar, that's why I wanted to see push as a chicks. I picked out one that was pretty dark, but another was the whitest of all. I'm thinking she'll be grey.
I figured
I would share a picture of my last 2 remaining EE pullers from my August 2014 ideal hatchery order. Still no names, any suggestions. This was from a couple of days ago. I also found a pic of my roo too. He doesn't have a tail now for the second time, but it will grow back.

I think the introduction of the new chickens to the existing flock of three should go to well...
I also tried to get Chiana (EE) and Aeryn to meet the new flock, but they seemed afraid of them and ran off

I also took some pics of the new flock with the camera in my new iPhone 6, the camera in this thing is amazing for a point-and-shoot cell phone camera...

The chick in the center pic here is particularly interesting, she's the largest of the group, her tail feathers are nearly nonexistent (partially rumpless?) and the feathers on the back of her head are amazingly soft, and almost puffy..

That's the dark headed chick on the left
I am so loving all the pictures! We now have 4 Olive Eggers and 5 Easter Eggers as of today. I am too tired to take pictures and load them up right now and we have guests coming into town for the week so not sure when it will happen. It is so fun to look at all the pictures and speculate how one of mine may look like one of the pictures I see. I am so looking forward to watching how they feather out!

I wanted to share this map of the locations of AI in the US, and Canada. I need this visual and thought it may be helpful to others:

I figured
I would share a picture of my last 2 remaining EE pullers from my August 2014 ideal hatchery order. Still no names, any suggestions. This was from a couple of days ago. I also found a pic of my roo too. He doesn't have a tail now for the second time, but it will grow back.

I like the variation of light and dark on the pullet to the right.

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