Easter Egger club!

We have 2 (we think) one for sure Sassy in the front. I wasn't sure about Maddie behind her so I posted for some breed help and someone just replied with they think she is an EE so if anyone can positively breed recognize Maddie as an EE I would appreciate it so we know! Thank you!

pg number 75
Hmmm, well, still a bit to young for me to determine by those photos.

EE's can be clean faced (without a beard or muff) due to weak DNA traits for those features, Couldn't tell yet by the photo of the comb...does it look to have the 3 rows of "peas" or just kinda straight without defined spikes?

The feet/legs still look yellow, not turning green or slate gray color? Again, EE with a weak DNA trait for those 2 leg colors, will remain yellow.

My guess, that's all, is probably RIR x EE/Barrred Rock if you suspect she is EE. Will be able to better determine by comb in a few weeks. Also, more breed specific traits based on feather typing will be easier to determine in a few weeks. If it is a weaker DNA, EE cross, the egg color will most likely remain a brown tint.

Do you know anything about the type of chickens the person keeps, where she came from? That would help since it gives you a starting point of potential breed crosses.

I think the feathers and comb colors will tell us more in a few weeks. Keep us posted, 'cause now I'm curious too. I have one of those mystery hens, coloring looks like typical EE/pheasant patterns. Except she has single comb with spikes, clean faced, yellow legs......and lays a pretty brown egg with purple dots that form a ring around the pointed end of the egg. :confused:

She was sold to me as an Ameracauna, I was new to chickens and believed it. Of course, she's an EE and that's OK with me. (Unfortunately, happens way too much to newbies by folks with no scruples and wanting to make a dollah... :mad:) She's a sweet girl and lays big eggs so it's all good.

Let us know. :thumbsup
I just love our 6 EE's.

Screech - because any time you pick her up she screams.

Fluffy cheeks

Stalker - she was a feather eater...

Chubs - she is our favorite... so sweet and will let my daughter just carry her around with one hand

Kimber our roo


I need to take some updated pictures, these are from about a month ago. The girls are about 14 wks now.
Thanks so much chirpingcrickets
well no seems to have. Normal comb like a single comb...that confused me
sefinetly still yellow
ahe came from a fees store an my gma got them but gave her to me
Thanks so much chirpingcrickets
well no seems to have. Normal comb like a single comb...that confused me
sefinetly still yellow
ahe came from a fees store an my gma got them but gave her to me
Don't know what they said she was called at the Fred store
Thanks so much chirpingcrickets
well no seems to have. Normal comb like a single comb...that confused me
sefinetly still yellow
ahe came from a fees store an my gma got them but gave her to me
Don't know what they said she was called at the Fred store
Thanks so much chirpingcrickets
well no seems to have. Normal comb like a single comb...that confused me
sefinetly still yellow
ahe came from a fees store an my gma got them but gave her to me
Don't know what they said she was called at the Fred store
Thanks so much chirpingcrickets
well no seems to have. Normal comb like a single comb...that confused me
sefinetly still yellow
ahe came from a fees store an my gma got them but gave her to me
Don't know what they said she was called at the Fred store

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