Easter Egger club!

Are ISA Browns the same as red sex links just another name for them?
no. If I understand it right, they were breed with the red sex link and RIR and leghorn in order to get them to produce as well as they do. Because of the fast growth and high production they don't live long ( in General ) and are prone to prolapse, and egg bound and a few other things I cant remember right off hand. But they are sweet hearts and they do start early producing.
OK. I'm pretty sure Ana (the striped chick) is a roo, but what about Elsa?

Here's Ana! PLEASE! PLEASE! Tell me I got at least one pullet!

BTW Elsa's comb hasn't grown at all since I got her at less then a day old.
They also have a very bad habit of jumping out of their brooder lately!

First chick has a pretty big comb for 3 weeks. Probably a roo. The second chick is colored like a pullet, but it does not have a pea comb so it probably isn't an EE. Both are cute! You'll have to wait until they are older to tell for sure. Males will generally have longer, thicker legs and eventually will start crowing. My EE cockerel was crowing at 5 weeks.
Here's an update on my EEs! Not so little anymore, they are starting to show signs of getting ready to lay!






Little Bit
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First chick has a pretty big comb for 3 weeks. Probably a roo. The second chick is colored like a pullet, but it does not have a pea comb so it probably isn't an EE. Both are cute! You'll have to wait until they are older to tell for sure. Males will generally have longer, thicker legs and eventually will start crowing. My EE cockerel was crowing at 5 weeks.
But EE's are mixes of a Ameraucana and some other breed. So it is possible for them to have single combs. Correct? I asked what breed/breeds the chicks were and people said that both were EE's. She has a small beard.
Red on the wings usually indicates cockerel.  The legs also seem to be a little thick.  Are his legs thicker than your other chicks'?

Only two chicks in this bunch but no they don't seem thick to me. They both could be male though.
I'll try - hear that- try to wait a couple weeks
Ak rain

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