Easter Egger club!

I heard some noise in my incubator this morning

It seems they did not want to sit any longer in the gees after only 18 days

I feed an organic layer feed. I haven't heard of adding millet, but I do feed sunflower seeds. Now that the fresh sunflower heads I took from the garden are gone, I have been giving shelled sunflower seeds (unsalted) because I wasn't sure if the ones sold for wild birds would be ok or not. I was planning on seeing if the feed store had any next time I'm up there. I only have 5 chickens, and they are all still pretty young, born in March but it is encouraging for a newbie like me to hear a high quality diet seems to be having a positive impact on your girls.
It sure does, I feel like it is the seed mix along with good layer, and they really go nuts for the stuff, only thing is, since I started feed the extra seed they don't eat much of the corn. I would rather they eat more of that too as it is coming winter. But I guess their bodies know what they want.

I suppose my next step should be taking a stool sample in to make sure its not parasites. She's acting normal, jumping, running, perching, and not showing any interest in the egg boxes so pretty sure its not egg binding.
It wouldn't hurt, but I really think she is fine just taking a little break most likely.
Chick rookie you made very good points on feed, which I feel most of us here try to do. I really feel that there is more to their diet at work here. I feel the weather is playing a part as well. My girls are molting still but I am starting to get more eggs finally 3 every otherday.The layer feed I use has17% protein, the game bird feed has 20 or 21%. Plus I give them a fruit and nut wild bird seed every other day to forage in their run. (The leaves are falling like snow here so they scratch around more to find bugs and seed now.) The bird seed has black oil sunflower, dehulled sunflower, peanuts, dried cherries, papaya, raisin and mixed feed nuts. I notice cashews, almonds and walnuts in it. In the winter I mix it with scratch to feed the chickens and my wild birds that stay close. I feed wet feed too which causes a stampeed when taken out to the bowls.oh I give them scraps and leftovers but no chicken, it seems wrong.
Chick rookie you made very good points on feed, which I feel most of us here try to do. I really feel that there is more to their diet at work here. I feel the weather is playing a part as well. My girls are molting still but I am starting to get more eggs finally 3 every otherday.The layer feed I use has17% protein, the game bird feed has 20 or 21%. Plus I give them a fruit and nut wild bird seed every other day to forage in their run. (The leaves are falling like snow here so they scratch around more to find bugs and seed now.) The bird seed has black oil sunflower, dehulled sunflower, peanuts, dried cherries, papaya, raisin and mixed feed nuts. I notice cashews, almonds and walnuts in it. In the winter I mix it with scratch to feed the chickens and my wild birds that stay close. I feed wet feed too which causes a stampeed when taken out to the bowls.oh I give them scraps and leftovers but no chicken, it seems wrong.
o yes my birds all get table scraps and I don't give them any chicken either, I think that is just not right... lol In the cold mths they get oatmeal ( warm of course ) and grits and other such warm food in the mornings to get them hoping and awake... and they love it, course the pocket book don't...lol I have 50 - 60 little mouths to feed. I think it helps keep me in eggs most all year too.
The weather always plays a part in everything chicken. It's too hot, it's too cold, it's too wet, it's too dry.... it's like we are ALWAYS trying to please,,, lol but we do it for the love, the benefits, whatever reasons we each have. Like me I have all kinds of reasons, I love my birds and I have my picks, but I sell eggs for eating and for hatching and I also sell chicks, I'm always looking to improve my breeds which means I do a lot of selling and buying o and trading sometimes too.
Winter I get to take a small break and get to just enjoy them. But yet I hate the winter, well the cold the snow the ice and all the not so fun jazz part of winter.... oh wait that's just about covers all of winter don't it... OK I just plain hate winter.

Got a question????? for anyone??? Where in the world do you get chicken diapers??? I see people talking about using them and I am going to need some this year for my special needs Silkie She cant step up into a house so she cant stay outside in the cold. And I cant figure out a way that she can live in the house and still get the exercise she needs without turning my house into 1 big chicken poddy. I'm too busy to follow her around picking up her poo.

Ol'girl has stopped laying again, and that's fine at 5 years old if all she wants to give me is 1 egg a week then so be it. All the other EE's are laying even the pullets, guess they are no longer pullets, huh. So my basket is pretty again... lol

Got everyone heat in their houses that will need it this year like the Silkies and the chicks and the Bantam's, made sure all the drafts I could find are sealed, and with so many new houses this year I found a few. Still working on snow free zones for a few of them, know how to do it just ran out of material to do it and have to wait till next week to get anymore. So I'm at a stand still, I hate that.
I'm starting to see some of Daisy's feathers on the coop floor and I think I've seen a few outside too. Looks like she is going into an early molt after all (she's around 8 months). I wasnt expecting this until next year, lol.
I'm starting to see some of Daisy's feathers on the coop floor and I think I've seen a few outside too. Looks like she is going into an early molt after all (she's around 8 months). I wasnt expecting this until next year, lol.

One of my February pullets laid eggs for 2 months and then quit last month. She is molting and looks half naked. Last year's pullets didn't molt until this year, but I guess some of them do their own thing.

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