Easter Egger club!


I'm wondering if this is an Ameraucana or and Easter Egger. I have 5 Easter Eggers, but she looks so different and has slate colored legs. She is not laying yet. We adopted her and are not sure where they got her.
All the older generation in my family remembers their individual parents flocks of nasty leghorns. My mom was telling me how her parents kept a flock of them. Her dad was complaining about how awful their flock was and how he grew up with his parents mean flock terrorizing him when he was young. And every spring he would faithfully order more. I posed the obvious question in my mind, "then why didn't you just order a different breed?" He was stumped. He "had no idea there were other breeds to choose from." He always ordered them because his parents had always had them. I understand from a production farm standpoint, you order the best producer for the least input. But when you get your own backyard flock and have small children around, it seemed to me like you could try a breed not notorious for being hateful. HAHAHA It seems to have been the right of passage for people back then. Everyone was terrorized by leghorns or their parents were doing something wrong.

It's funny, my white leghorn lays everyday and is the friendliest bird I have!
Mine did as well & she was a sweetheart. Predator got her this summer
Now that's a roo worth having! He looks awesome as well. While i know all ee are different, he is a color pattern i haven't seen.

Thank you! I have no idea of what genes he may have, but he is an awesome lil guy. Nice and heavy too for his size as well. His gold feathers reflect a gold when the sun hits him but it's very hard to see the difference.He is from Meyer Hatchery.

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