Easter Egger club!

I should also add, that indicators that a cockerel might be trouble are subtle. You have to watch the body language carefully. Constantly following you and wing dipping are good predictors of a rooster that may be considering attack. A good rooster is one that keeps his distance, moves out of your way, and doesn't mount hens right in front of you.
thanks June!!! Well my choice roo is exactly what you said here. Cautious but not aggressive. Moves when I'm near almost out of respect. Watches the girls already. Warns them when there's danger and keeps them all in line. Plus is the first to respond to treats or threats. Guess he's the keeper huh
thanks June!!! Well my choice roo is exactly what you said here. Cautious but not aggressive. Moves when I'm near almost out of respect. Watches the girls already. Warns them when there's danger and keeps them all in line. Plus is the first to respond to treats or threats. Guess he's the keeper huh
That would be my choice.
Here they are one again!!
Today they are 5 weeks and 3 days!

Roo or Pullet












I tried loading a picture of my three EEs, but am having technical difficulties so I'll have to try later. TSC sold them as Ameraucanas, haha. They sure are escape artists. I can't wait to see what color their eggs are. I know I have a while to wait. They're about 6 weeks now.
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Would this coloring be considered blue? She's also got this pretty gold coming out around her neck. I'm so curious to know what she'll look like if anyone has a gen that looked like her. She's 8 weeks if that makes a difference.


Here's something interesting to think about: I've never seen an Easter Egger that was black and white like this that didn't turn out to be a rooster. Here's a good example below. I had one that was the same, and I've paid attention since then and have always found that black and white are roosters. Maybe yours will break the pattern I've been seeing and turn out to be a hen . :).


Here's some pictures from this morning.

I love the coloring, still hoping it's a hen.

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