Easter Egger club!

Do you think my pullet, Chicken Nugget, is an Easter Egger? She was sold to me as an Olive Egger but I do not know enough about the breed to know the difference! Thanks!
True ameraucanas do not have featheed feet its either an easter egger or an olive egger due to the poor feathered feet
Heres my two easter eggers was bought as glw and pullets I knew when I bought them they werent......least I got them cheaper lol
Genetic mutation. Happens even in the best of Ameraucana lines, many BBS breeders struggle with this popping up. It's not the same thing as the feathered legs of Marans or other breeds.
Agreed---she doesn't have feathered feet as compared to my silkies lol!
Your Tetras should be laying daily, if they are getting proper nutrition. Might need to up their protein intake.
I'll toss some peas out to them tomorrow. I've been giving them 16% layer crumble and just switched them over to pellets last week. They seem to be eating it fine, but I've been giving them watermelon rinds in the evening when it's been hot. I recently had to take their rooster out of the main coop b/c he was hurt and they wouldn't stop pecking at him, I put him back in tonight so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Maybe they missed their boyfriend. When I'd let the girls out they'd all go visit him. I'll give them some peas anyway. Thanks!
Well, if it's the egg color that decides whether it's an Olive Egger, at what shade does an EE become an OE? Because Muffins is starting to lay some rather intensely green eggs!
See I have no clue! Someone else said it's in the egg color lol! I think EE can lay all different shades though from what I've read online. When I got Chicken Nugget the lady said, "pretty sure she's an olive Egger but she's small" and that was at a hatchery... but when someone said splash Ameraucana I looked that up and it looks just like her!
See I have no clue! Someone else said it's in the egg color lol! I think EE can lay all different shades though from what I've read online. When I got Chicken Nugget the lady said, "pretty sure she's an olive Egger but she's small" and that was at a hatchery... but when someone said splash Ameraucana I looked that up and it looks just like her!
Hatcheries do not sell true ameraucanas ive gotten a splash ee at a hatchery before to looked like a ameraucana but wasnt

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