Easter Egger club!

So sorry to hear that sad news. What happened to them?

Something grabbed Marshmallow and pulled her through the chain-link fence that their enclosure is made of, and now there are white feathers everywhere.

As far as Cookie goes, she is just gone. There are no feathers, or any evidence of how she died.
So sorry about you EE's.

I have 3 two hens and 1 roo. My roo is beautiful - red, orange, green... He is 19 weeks old and I am afraid I will have to get rid of him. He is cutting my hens necks with his beak. I have 12 other hens. He is really rough on them. I am doctoring hens every night.
I'm so glad to have found this! I have 3 that were sold to me as Ameraucanas and two might be but the other one probably not- but really I'm tired of thinking about it!
They can be whatever they want to be as far as I'm concerned! I'll put up some pictures tomorrow. I also have Australorps and some bantam cochins but the EEs are my favorites. One of them especially is so curious and follows me around EVERYWHERE, and I get the most gorgeous blue eggs from them. Really beautiful!
What a pretty hen. Mine were sold as Americaunas too, but they came from TSC so I know they are EE's. Still pretty and should lay pretty eggs. (at some point in my lifetime..) I'm really trying to keep my roo - but I don't really know what to do. He is biting the hens neck so hard he is cutting them. I'm spraying blue kote and using neosporin, but he keeps getting them in the same place. I have someone who will take him and may just have to let him go.
I'm sooo in!

I have two 4 day old EE chicks: Margaux and Buttons. Buttons has been lethargic for the last 24 hours and we have been on watch for the last 6 hours
That's why I named her Buttons because she's been laying on our chests all afternoon. Please pray for Buttons!!!

Buttons snoozing (before I started to worry..)
EE's are so beautiful, aren't they?

I have 2 pullets

This is Millie at about 7 or 8 weeks. She always hides when I want a picture



This is poofy at about the same age



This is poofy @ about 10 weeks. Of course Millie wouldn't stay still for a more recent pic

I got my first green egg today!!!
The pullet that laid it is only 20 weeks. A little early for an EE. Here it is with Marans' & RIR eggs...


Nice birds NewToFarming! Poofy looks just like one of my EEs.

Naturgirl I hope your little gal feels better soon. Post in the Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures section. Hopefully someone will have some advice for how to treat her that will help.
Good Luck!
WELL WELL WELL, I dont visit the stories section too often, glad to see the EE lovers at the top of the list! I LOOOVE EEs out of all the chicks I have owned these are my favorite.

I always visit this section hehe
I dont have any at the moment but boy all of your EE's are gorgeous everyone !!!
I love the EE's personality and how everyone is a wee bit different

Thank you for making this thread !​

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