Easter Egger contest!!

Name Chocolate cheeks (RIP)
catagory pullet

Notes. She is no longer with us, she was to adventerous for her own good.

Name Skyfire
catagory moma and chick

Note. the first pics are Skyfire w/ her baby chicks she was an awesome mom, and my first and so far only broody, the last pic is to show her in her glory instead of ratty broody feathers.
Everybody's EE's are amazing!!
This is going to be so hard! The end date is Oct.1, so keep posting!
omigosh.... "this is going to be so hard" is the understatement of the thread! you have opened the door to some of the most exquisite birds! I'm so glad you did, but i do not envy your job as Judge!!!
Whoa! I didn't even notice all the new posts! Yay Mommy and Baby!!!
All these birds are gorgeous!!

ETA I am sorry about ChocolateCheeks, she was a beautiful girl.
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wingstone, that cockerel is Gorgeous! Now you MUST keep us updated with his feather development!!!
golly... to breed him with my Blu....
Well I would like to, BUT he is on my clearance list for the winter downsizing.....can not keep all the boys I have right now.

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