Easter Egger gender?


In the Brooder
Jun 20, 2021
We have 5, 8 week old EE that were all supposed to be pullets which I understand isn’t always the case-

Pij is the gray/white EE. She/he is a bit more aggressive than the rest, bigger than the rest, and I heard a distinct crow this morning. This is our first flock so we are still learning.

a friend told me when you have no roosters, occasionally hens will crow. I have no idea if this is true.

Any insight on if anyone thinks Pij is a hen or roo? Or what else I should be looking for?
Also thinking cockerel and probably so since someone is crowing, but depending on what his fate will be, you might want to confirm when gender-specific saddle feathers come in at around 3 months.

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