easter egger hens?

I'd be happy with a Christmas present but I'm afraid it may be more likely an Easter present:lol:
I've got 7 or 8 Ameraucanas that hatched the end of July (so, just at 16 ish weeks)..... At least one has started to crow, 2 more are feathering like a roo, and 2 are getting very red earlobe thingies..... I am wringing my hands hoping for a hen or two out of the group-- it seems that nearly every chick I've hatched since starting this addiction in May has been a roo! We've got several lined up for freezer camp coming up this weekend, and hoping by my next weekend off ( two weeks after that) we'll be able to figure out the last of the bunch.
Argh-- I really want blue eggs ( tho I should be happy enough with 2 colors of green, pink, and several shades of brown), LOL... I still want blue
Our EEs started laying right at 22 weeks. At 19 weeks they were observing the other chickens laying with great interest. Our EEs are now laying an average of six eggs each per week. All of their combs changed from pink to bright red in a matter of days.
Could someone post a picture of what the face looks like on a laying EE. Mine seem to be getting very pink/red, but I'm just not sure.

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