Easter Egger lays white egg

My little EE banty also fooled me!
It is a bit disappointing when you're hoping for a blue or green egg to add to your basket, but I wouldn't trade her for the world!
Plus, she lays every single day!! For the tiny thing that she is, her eggs aren't much smaller than what my LF hens are laying!
They still stand out, since they are the lightest colored eggs of anyone's.

We've got a couple of eggers that produce white and one that produces brown too.
Disappointing, but still tasty!

I'd say don't be disappointed quite yet. Eggs can change colour over time. We've had eggers start off almost white and then as they mature a bit, they produce darker and darker shades, or go from dark to light, or the shades vary. Never had an egger that produced multiple colours, but the shades do vary.

Give it a few months, she might surprise you!
Kind of reviving this thread here, but yesterday when i got home from school, i found a green egg in my nest box. I have another EE who looks almost identical to Time Out, but apparently she lays green eggs. this doesn't make a lick of sense to me how two chickens who look nearly identical could lay two drastically different eggs. and this makes me wonder about Eagle, as now there is a chance for both white egg gene and green egg gene. how could i find out?
I have a regular Easter Egger, her name is time out. she was born 1st week of may. today i just got my first egg from her. and to my surprise....its WHITE!!!!


as you can see, she has the beard and tufts, she has green legs, and a pea comb. but today i got this egg...



What in the world could have overpowered the green egg laying gene and given me a slightly off white egg????

(i'm slightly irritated because i expected a green or blueish egg, and i've been raving about it for the last 6 months about how great it will be....how to explain this to peers.....)

Your hen looks like my youngest Easter Egger - Lizabeak. She just started laying eggs and they are white. She is my only hen that is lays white eggs. My other Eater eggers lay mint green eggs but they are a different color. At first I was disappointed, but none of my other hens lay white eggs.
I know this is a old thead but I just wanted to say, I own 4 easter egger girls, non of them have the same colored egg, one of them lay brown egg with white dots on it and the second one lays like mint blue egg and the third one lays green egg and the fourth hen lays white eggs for me, now they all are easter eggers tho so even tho this one gives me white eggs I still love her, and I think it's great that non of them lay the same colored egg because I know who laid what egg :D
I will get more girls tho and I'm going to get myself a rooster this sumer so hopefully I will get a rooster that gives green eggs, but when I get more girls It could get little bit harder for me to find out who laid what then, haha :D

but I just love this breed, definitely my favourite breed of chickens :love
so here are my easter egger eggs, non of them in the same color but all beautiful, I was werry surprised to when I saw a white egg for the first time because the breeder told me I would probably get 2 brown egg layer and 2 green egg layers but she wasn't sure tho.

I contacted her asking if this was normal and she was like this has never happened to me, I have own easter eggers for a long time now and never had a white egg layer.
so I asked another breeder and she told me that because this is a cross breed it can come some white egg layers from time to time but she told me it didn't happen often tho.

well I love this white egg laying EE and her eggs are tasty just like the eggs from her sisters so I stopped worrying about it :)
funny think is tho that the breeder that give me her asked me if she could buy fertile eggs from her because she would want a white egg laying EE as well, haha :lau
I just told her I don't have a rooster yet but of course she can have fertile eggs if she want's when I get a rooster this summer :)


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I figure my eggs are gifts. I do have 3 EE's one lays a pretty blue the other almost an olive but more blue. They are sweet girls. Wouldn't care what color their eggs are. Also have a barred rock who lays pinkish brown.

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