Easter Egger lays white egg

Easter Eggers can lay blue, green, or light brown eggs. Some people call the light brown color "pink." I have four EEs that are laying now. One of them lays a cream colored egg that looks almost white. I love it, though, because it gives me yet another color for my egg basket.

Here is a picture of KitKat. She lays a VERY pale cream colored egg. Her first egg was very pale, but they have darkened up a TINY bit since then. It no longer looks white like her first egg did.
If you are interested in 'creating' olive eggers, purchase an Ameraucana rooster from a good blue egg laying strain.
some of my RIR's lay very light cream color eggs. The EE that i got from a neighbor layed her first egg on xmas eve....bright green. and has layed one exactly like it 6 of the 7 days since then. i thought she was one of the cream colors until i saw the green one. are you sure your hen layed the white one? maybe it'll darken up over time. my mallard layed light green eggs and they have gotten darker green over the months since she started.
I have an EE that is similar in color to Kit Kat and she started laying a month ago. Her eggs are the pinkish brown color. I have another EE that is white and another that looks like Kit Kat that are yet to lay. I am holding out hope for a greenish egg. I was quite disappointed in the color I got, but she is a sweet little girl so I will get over it. Her egg color has not changed one bit from the first egg.
I have an EE hen that looks just like your's and she lays a very light pinkish tan egg like your EE... Mine has yellow legs though not green like your's. I wanted a blue or green egg but any color egg is still an egg!
I think i'm going to be getting some Pure Ameraucanas after the valentines day hatch, so i guess it isnt that big of a deal. but after months of getting my hopes up, it was still disappointing. and i've gotten a few more eggs from her, still the same off white. i'm starting to think that an EE that lays a white egg might be a really unique and cool thing. she still has the muffs and whatnot, but her eggs are white. it makes for a more interesting chicken.

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