Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I have some six week old babies. Two are colored and patterned to suggest they are boys, but their combs are completely yellow. Another one has a very pink comb, and has always been an obvious boy. What age would you accept the comb as the definitive sign?
Red comb by 8 weeks of age and patchy coloring are the best early indicators. At 6 weeks old, they are still a bit young for red in the combs.
Red comb by 8 weeks of age and patchy coloring are the best early indicators. At 6 weeks old, they are still a bit young for red in the combs.

Thanks! I guess I'll just keep watching! The other roosters I raised were very red faced and obvious at four weeks. I'm so confused by these two
Hopefully I'll know sooner than when egg laying starts in the spring!
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