Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*




Anyone care to guess this EE's sex for me?
We think so too. This chick is about 4 weeks old. It is mainly white but has a grey splash on one shoulder ... I don't know how to look at feathers or any of that yet... but just going from his comb and his overall size compared to the rest of the chicks, we thought rooster too. His comb is unmistakably pink. Is that a for sure way to tell usually? What color would/could it be if not pink?

I'm also not sure on how comb styles can be used to determine possible egg color. None of mine seem to have pea comb, does that mean they wont lay a green egg?

Out of the 4 EE's we are hoping to get atleast one or two hens. I have 6 total chicks, the two smallest are only 2 weeks old and are cream legbar pullets.
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Nope, no male signs yet but it's too early to be 100% sure on them.

The fat, well-defined peas say male to me.

Everything about that chick says pullet. I wouldn't worry about her.
I'm also not sure on how comb styles can be used to determine possible egg color. None of mine seem to have pea comb, does that mean they wont lay a green egg?   

The comb genes and the egg color genes like to travel together. So, if the parent with the blue shell gene has a pea comb, the offspring with pea combs are most likely to have inherited it. This doesn't mean a pea comb is required for blue shells, though. Cream Legbars, for example, have single combs. And, if they have one gene for pea comb and one for something else, you get some odd-looking combs. This is very common.
@debid thanks for sharing.. I was mistakenly thinking that pea combs meant having 3 rows. So this chick has a single rowed pea comb? That being said if it is a a female it is likely to lay blue or green eggs?

How confident in your guess are you? Are you calling it boy for sure by its comb or is it likely but I should still wait some before trying to re-home.
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@debid  thanks for sharing.. I was mistakenly thinking that pea combs meant having 3 rows.   So this chick has a single rowed pea comb?   That being said if it is a a female it is likely to lay blue or green eggs?

How confident in your guess are you? Are you calling it boy for sure by its comb or is it likely but I should still wait some before trying to re-home.

It might only have the one row but more likely the outer bumps are undeveloped yet and they'll show later. Either is possible.

I personally wouldn't re-home until a chick crows or gives another 100% sign but that's just me. A female single row looks like a tiny ridge or squiggle at this point, I can't recall ever seeing that fat peas look on a pullet.
Hello! I wanted to share a post regarding telltale signs you have an Easter Egger cockerel. /img/smilies/smile.png This was only my experience, and I hope it helps somebody identify whether they have girls or boys. Basically this is not a for sure guide, just hopefully a helpful post. /img/smilies/smile.png

I was able to tell my cockerel at around 4-6 weeks old, and here are a few pictures to help.

(Sulo's tail feathers are narrow and upright.)














This is Munk an Easter Egger pullet to compare. Same age, but the feathering in is very different. Sulo's "big boy" feathers came in later then Munk's "big girl" feathers.




Sulo and Munk. (same breed/age just to see the difference)


Hope this helps someone! Easter Eggers are hard to sex, and this may not be every case, but it certainly was here and I hope these differences help people tell who is who /img/smilies/smile.png/img/smilies/smile.png

I'm new to chickens, and I wanted to know if I have a boy or girl, and your pictures are Great, but I have NO idea what I'm supposed to be looking for/at? Can you help me? Thanks. Jacquie

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