Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I would at least wait a couple more weeks. If he's only 4 weeks old, there may still be a slim chance that it could turn out to be a girl.
No sense throwing in the towel juuuust yet, I'd hold off and wait a couple more weeks before you can def. tell through comb color etc.

My two EE's were almost 4 weeks in this picture, and the one in the back turned out to be a girl (she had the white patches on her shoulders too), and the one in the front a boy. If you notice though, he has a little less feather development and typical red in the shoulders. A week or two later (if that wasn't proof enough), his comb skyrocketed and turned bright red. So I'd hold off and just wait to be sure :)

I don't want to give you false hope but, EE's can be tricky sometimes, especially if white is involved!

Thanks, I'll wait until S'mores is 8 weeks and then post pics again to see what ppl think. I wish that chickens were easier to sex. :/
It probably doesn't make a whole lot of difference about the feathers, but I have heard males feather in slower than females. I ordered baby chicks in March and one of the brahmas that later became a rooster had a bare bottom when everyone else had obvious tail feathers. Towards the end of the hatching season, hatcheries are getting rid of their older breeding stock and selling out of more popular breeds, so there is less selection. It is best to make your order in December or January because most operate on a first come first serve basis. I placed my order then and just asked them to be delivered in March, and as a result I got some of the hard to get breeds/color patterns ;)
My EE boy was SOO slow to feather. The slowest of them all. I definitely think there is value in saying males feather out slower, because that was my first clue. I was pretty confident I had 4 girls and 1 boy, even though some people said my whites were boys (they had fat legs, so it was anybody's guess - I just thought they were girls based on comb, feathering and personalities). I did end up with 4 girls and 1 boy (and those were my predictions at week 3).
Here is my boy @ 3 weeks
My girls looked like this at 3 weeks
My two white girls are in this picture @ 3 weeks
My white girls last week (eating Oyster Shell)
My boy now - Crowing up a storm
Here is one of the two patterned girls (they look identical minus leg colour pretty much).
I need help with my EE's.
We got them at the same time from a local farm and pet supply store that sells chicks every year, supposedly the chicks were all going to be pullets, but I understand that it is not 100 accurate. I was outside with them yesterday and realized, wow, Peep is really different from Soren! I think its a roo. I need advice on if s/he is or isn't. We got them both at the same time, on June 10th.

Picture of them as chicks, Peep on the bottom sorren on the top of the picture.

This is Soren, the one I think is a pullet.

These are pictures of Peep, the one I believe is a Roo who escaped the radar.

And this is them next to eachother.

And this is an odd angled shot at peep's tail and Soren's body.

I need help with my EE's.
We got them at the same time from a local farm and pet supply store that sells chicks every year, supposedly the chicks were all going to be pullets, but I understand that it is not 100 accurate. I was outside with them yesterday and realized, wow, Peep is really different from Soren! I think its a roo. I need advice on if s/he is or isn't. We got them both at the same time, on June 10th.

Picture of them as chicks, Peep on the bottom sorren on the top of the picture.

This is Soren, the one I think is a pullet.

These are pictures of Peep, the one I believe is a Roo who escaped the radar.

And this is them next to eachother.

And this is an odd angled shot at peep's tail and Soren's body.

You are right. Peep is a boy for sure!

ETA: Oh my GOD. He has eyebrows... That. Is. Amazing.
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