Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Forgot to add a pic of the egg


Next to a store bought large egg

Congrats!! That first egg is so exciting! I still get giddy when my new pullets start to lay. :)
Hey everyone, just wondering if my 3 sexed pullets are really sexed pullets. They will be 4 weeks this Monday coming up.


This baby stood very still and was calm for the shot :).


I needed to hold this one a little bit cause she/he kept moving around, so sorry for the blurry shots.

3# This one however ...

Was quite uncontrollable.

3#(and others) So I got on the floor and went wildlife photographer mode...

Best 'side shot' I could get of the illusive beast in the middle. This is the best 'frontal shot' I got of her/him also....

So yeah, here are the babies and sorry for the not-so-amazing shots
thank you.

They're still too young really tell. Maybe post again at 5-6 weeks. Despite some terrible stories about mistakes with sexed pullets, most of the time you get girls. (Although I did get one little roo.
They're still too young really tell. Maybe post again at 5-6 weeks. Despite some terrible stories about mistakes with sexed pullets, most of the time you get girls. (Although I did get one little roo.
I apparently got a roo too. Out of just 4, so not great odds...

Bummer. Mine was one of two! But my neighborgot several from the same source and got all girls.
Okay, I'm like... 99% sure that Lotus here is a pullet but I'm hoping you all will agree! *quietly panics* I went through all of the things about her- fluffy hen-like tail that she keeps low, hen-like-stance, a small comb for her age (though it seems to be a three-row'er)... All of her feathers are rounded and such, no pointy ones to be found.

Only 'iffy' trait seems to be the light orange growing into her feathers (very recently, & it matches up with her patterning, all throughout her wings)... But most of her feathers are what I believe is called "partridge-patterned," which I heard is a mostly-female trait... & some of the pics make her look like she has randomly colored feathers- but they are patterned out evenly and nicely IRL!

Her cheek-fluff and beard just gets bigger and bigger, I'm so proud of my pretty girl! Too bad she isn't that friendly (at least compared to my Golden Comets, Australorp, & Barred Rock LOL) unless she's snuggled on my lap... but she's a good girl. She's at the top of the pecking order in my flock thus far :) (We traded in my roosters- a RIR and BR ): )



Oh, and an extra 5/11/13 one I forgot about!

And here are some pics of her growing up!

When I first got her!
She was the smallest of all of the Easter Egger chicks at the farm... which is why she was chosen for us.

I swear, I am not strangling her, LOL. Look at how loosely my fingers are together. I was just keeping her in place :)

I was gone for a friend's funeral, & when I got back after two days, she looked so grown up in comparison!

This picture makes me horribly sad. The Rhode Island Red rooster on the left is Roan (formerly Rose). We traded him in for an ISA Brown pullet (who we took back because she was awfully mean) because we didn't want a RIR roo (or a BR one either..) but Lotus was heaps close to him ): She hasn't seemed to notice his absence though.
I miss him & his "meep meep" noises though.

No comb development...

"Dust" bathing!

No red in the comb at all still (this pic is a couple days old) & she's about 8-10 weeks old. My Golden Comets are about 8 weeks old & they are younger than her, so her age sadly is a mere estimation.

Anyway, hope you all like the spam of pretty little Lotus.
(Gosh, looking through all of the previous posts makes me nervous though! *paranoid*)

How old do you all think she is too by the way? Since I'm not entirely sure.
I wonder what she's mixed with, & I wonder if all of the farm's other EE's end up with this fluffy of a face.

(Okay I have been putting off posting this for about an hour.
Soo, I'm gunna post it now. & cross my fingers & hope I'm right.)​
reckless, Lotus is 100% pullet! No redness in the completely flat comb and great pullet patterning.

This is great to hear! Thank you! :) We were very lucky with our first batch of chickens then 8D

We were definitely lucky with our first batch of chickens! Here's to hoping my silkies are pullets too! If Lotus had been a rooster, I dunno if I could have taken her back! I do really like her, though in the beginning I didn't quite.. bond with her. She was so skittish! She is still, but she is a good girl and can be very sweet.
Here is an update of my EE Cleo. Last time I posted I got half and half responses about her sex. She is now 9 weeks old. Her comb development still seems very little to me. Let me know what you think! :)




Her comb is more red than the others and always has been, but there isn't much growth there...
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Here is an update of my EE Cleo. Last time I posted I got half and half responses about her sex. She is now 9 weeks old. Her comb development still seems very little to me. Let me know what you think!

Her comb is more red than the others and always has been, but there isn't much growth there...

She's tricky, but at this age I'd say a very likely pullet.

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