Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

She looks a good bit like my Hazel did at that age. 90% sure that's a pullet but wait until she's done feathering to be sure.

Agree with you.... I vote Henrietta!

She looks like my pullet at 3 weeks. Here are my two EE's

Here is the one on the left at 9 weeks

and the one on the right at 9 weeks

They are 15 weeks now and are getting even more beautiful. I love the EE's!!!!
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Well, I was going to start a new thread for these pictures, but I guess I will throw them here and see what turns up...

These were from a hatchery suppose to be pullets. They are 10 weeks +..... Guess the vote is out.. I am not convinced they are pullets.

There was a 4th one, but she is brown/blue colour and has a straight comb... So from the comb alone.. I say pullet for her.

Thanks guys
Vickichicki, those are all pullets.
Wheee.. I am relieved to hear that. This is my first time of owning EE's so I am not familiar with their 'looks'. I can spot a straight comb rooster from a mile away, but with the combs they have and the colouring makes their neck feather look pointy.
I had been hearing corwing from my lastest chicks.. With one obvious rooster.. I have no idea who the other culprit is. I was getting worried about these being all roos.

Thanks for the feedback.
Ok so one of these ee's laid this egg sometime last night both are 18 weeks old they both do the squat thing with the hand hovering over her, although the bearded one has been doing that longer. This is our very first egg. I am almost giddy lol. How crazy to be so happy for an egg!

Congratulations! Just think how happy you'll be when you start getting two colored eggs.
We love the variety.
Hey everyone, just wondering if my 3 sexed pullets are really sexed pullets. They will be 4 weeks this Monday coming up.


This baby stood very still and was calm for the shot :).


I needed to hold this one a little bit cause she/he kept moving around, so sorry for the blurry shots.

3# This one however ...

Was quite uncontrollable.

3#(and others) So I got on the floor and went wildlife photographer mode...

Best 'side shot' I could get of the illusive beast in the middle. This is the best 'frontal shot' I got of her/him also....

So yeah, here are the babies and sorry for the not-so-amazing shots
thank you.
Forgot to add a pic of the egg

Next to a store bought large egg
Congrats. I'm sure they'll get bigger as she get into the egg laying groove (unless your EEs are bantams in which case, it is already perfect).

Hope you figure out the "culprit"

If not, just enjoy those colored eggs. I'm waiting for my 3 new EEs to join in the laying (still got a month to go however). First I've got a broody Barred Rock that is sitting on the one EE hen's eggs that I've got (got an EE roo so they'll be EE chicks). Got a little over 2 weeks to go for the hatch. When they hatch, I'll be anxiously trying to figure out girl/boy.

Congrats. I'm sure they'll get bigger as she get into the egg laying groove (unless your EEs are bantams in which case, it is already perfect).

Hope you figure out the "culprit"

If not, just enjoy those colored eggs. I'm waiting for my 3 new EEs to join in the laying (still got a month to go however). First I've got a broody Barred Rock that is sitting on the one EE hen's eggs that I've got (got an EE roo so they'll be EE chicks). Got a little over 2 weeks to go for the hatch. When they hatch, I'll be anxiously trying to figure out girl/boy.


They are LF. My DH also found another one in the coop a couple of hours later, same color same size, so I'm guessing that the one I found was from yesterday as it was cold like out from the fridge. The one he found was barely chilled. I am thinking its the bearded girl, they other EE just started doing the "pose" and the bearded gal has been doing it for about a month now. Any way I am still just tickled pink lol...over a silly little green egg! Doesn't take much to make me smile lol

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