Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


This is the only picture I have on my iPad right now, from 3-4 weeks back at least. He has hackle feathers, saddle feathers, etc.... He hatched March 24-25ish.
Here are my EE's, so far they both seem to be girl's, at least I hope so. The first one has a single comb, but still has puffy cheeks and green legs. I hope she lays green or blue eggs. They are both 4 weeks in these pictures.


Here are my EE's, so far they both seem to be girl's, at least I hope so. The first one has a single comb, but still has puffy cheeks and green legs. I hope she lays green or blue eggs. They are both 4 weeks in these pictures.



So far they look to be girls. The one with the single comb is much less likely to have the blue egg gene, which lies very near the gene for pea combs on the chromosome. That's why pea comb and blue egg genes are usually inherited together (but not 100%). Unfortunately, leg color and beards/muffs are not indicators of blue eggs.
I am just waiting for that Roo to start wanting girlfriends. He has nine Easter Egger pullets (three that are "of age", and six that are still not grown yet). Only one of the younger ones MIGHT be a Roo, but it decided to develop a pea comb mix (which is making sexing that chick much harder). Not to mention the 4 RSL pullets, 5 BAs, 6 BOs, and an assortment of friends among my younger chicks.
I am just waiting for that Roo to start wanting girlfriends. He has nine Easter Egger pullets (three that are "of age", and six that are still not grown yet). Only one of the younger ones MIGHT be a Roo, but it decided to develop a pea comb mix (which is making sexing that chick much harder). Not to mention the 4 RSL pullets, 5 BAs, 6 BOs, and an assortment of friends among my younger chicks.
Sounds like he is..or at least will be...living the dream!
He will be, if he gets to doing Roo duties eventually. We might keep one each of the baby Spitzhauben, light Brahma, BLW, and Cochin Roos (nothing is set in stone yet on this but DH likes the Spitz, and I like the Light Brahmas and BLWs, and think the Cochin Roo is hilarious in his awkward raptor run), but the three leghorn Roos are either being given to a neighbor who has no roos and wants one, or eaten.
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Here is a pic of an EE I hatched. Should be 9 weeks old now. I assumed this one is a cockrel based on feather color. Its comb is really nkt as big as I would have expected though. Any thoughts?
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Here is a pic of an EE I hatched. Should be 9 weeks old now. I assumed this one is a cockrel based on feather color. Its comb is really nkt as big as I would have expected though. Any thoughts?

Yellow feet, would he/she still be considered an EE? Hard to say male or female at this point because aside from coloration, no other signs of rooness.

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