Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Here is a pic of an EE I hatched. Should be 9 weeks old now. I assumed this one is a cockrel based on feather color. Its comb is really nkt as big as I would have expected though. Any thoughts?

He has a pea comb, it won't get huge. He's absolutely a cockerel, though. Pullets don't look like that.
A 10 week old cockerel is not sexually mature and would probably also get picked on by your bullies.  You'd probably have to wait until he's 6 months or more before he can stand up to an older hen.  Even then, roosters will vary.  Some will prevent bullying, and others don't get involved in the girl's pecking order.

CGinJCMO gave some good advice.  Sometimes it is a particular hen that is the instigator and if she is removed, a new pecking order will be established.  Hopefully she will wind up nearer the bottom when she gets reintroduced.  I tried this twice with my very aggressive she-male Leghorn (she is mean and mounts other hens :/ ).  Helped for about a week, then her old ways returned.  I only kept her apart for a week, though, so think it might work better if she is separated longer. 

thanks for the advice. My grow out pen is adjacent to my main coop and run. They have fenceline contact all day.

We went to look at these Ameraucana roosters last night. I bought one. he is starting to crow. He has slate legs, beard, and muffs, very little tail. However, he has a big straight comb. Does this make him an EE? I would be very happy with that, as I am not looking to breed him. I just want the protection for the girls. The other rooster she had was a pea comb. She is looking for a hen to match, so I suggested she keep him. I think he is older than 10 weeks. He has his rooster act down pat. He counted all my girls, spoken with them all, then surveyed the territory.

I love him already. I will post pics when I get home tonight. His name is Cecil, for now.
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My girls are now about 10 weeks old and feathering out beautifully. We have been slowly integrating them into our existing flock of hens. Have spent the last 6 nights in the coop with the Big Girls. even entered on their own a couple times, until 2 nights ago when one of the BR's chased them out. Back to placing them in for now. The gray one is Ginger (she had a ginger head as a chick) the other is Chiquita (she was a middle of the road Chipmunk color as a chick and yes, she is cross-beaked)

I hatched nine EE and I'm sure eight of them are cockerels!!! This one is my last hope for a pullet, but I'm not sure... She has had a very red comb for a while now... She is 10 weeks old. Can anybody tell me if this is really a pullet or if there are not going to be any green eggs in my basket any time soon?

I hatched nine EE and I'm sure eight of them are cockerels!!! This one is my last hope for a pullet, but I'm not sure... She has had a very red comb for a while now... She is 10 weeks old. Can anybody tell me if this is really a pullet or if there are not going to be any green eggs in my basket any time soon?
Looks pretty lady like to me. Although for 10 weeks that's a firey red face. Feathers look female. I'm going with pullet! Hope I'm right!

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