Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

How about these two? Not sure if they are EEs or Ameraucanas but suspicious that both are roosters. We got them straight run so its possible. Any thoughts? They are 3 months old.
How about these two? Not sure if they are EEs or Ameraucanas but suspicious that both are roosters. We got them straight run so its possible. Any thoughts? They are 3 months old.

They are EEs. Ameraucanas are not colored like this at all and have dark blue/black legs, not green.

The light one is very difficult to see, but I'd guess cockerel due to its mottled color pattern and pointed saddle feathers which are not clearly seen in the pictures.
Look at the hackle and saddle feathers (back of neck and base of tail). At three months of age they should be pointed, iridescent feathers for a cockerel, rounded for a pullet. Watch behavior, as males may start trying to mate with females around this time. I still wouldn't be surprised if this one turns out to be female after all.
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Oh please help me! These 3 chicks all came out of blue eggs. (pale blue) They all had a Blue Wheaten Ameraucana as the dad and the Black and Grey ones had Ameraucana moms (same color as they are). The pretty one with the light feathers had the frizzle gene and a Faverolle heritage. It has feathered feet and although not frizzled, as the feathers are filling in they definitely curve outward more so than a flat laying feather. The other two were solid black and blue respectively, but have started showing signs of patterning on the neck/back. I thought they were pure Ameraucana's, but apparently not! ANyway....they were born beginning of May. No eggs yet, no crowing yet. I'm a little perplexed. They have been integrated with the flock for about a month but they are petrified of the others. SO much so that they stay in the coop on the roost bars all day while the other hens and rooster hang in the run. The light colored one spent today on top of the coop in a tiny spot I didn't even think one would fit! I plan on culling my Welsummer rooster shortly and don't care if we end up with another, but I really just don't know what these are and if I look at them long enough I keep trying to convince myself that all 3 may be roosters! What do you guys think

??? Both solid ones seem to have a curl at the end of their tail. And the light one is getting longer saddle feathers, but it's hard to tell since they stick out a little anyway from the frizzling. This could really drive someone crazy! As long as they all get along, we'll keep additional roosters....only the mean one is going to be dinner! :)

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