Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Yup, I got her from Cackle too. She wasn't white though, she was more of a smokey grey. Her first feathers were white, then she started getting the buff ones.
Mine did have a light grey color on her head and neck, but mostly white. Do you have any pics of her when she was little? It's hard to tell with the red bulb, but it is the only pic that I have on here.

This is LT. He was helping me take out the trash.

two unnamed pullets.


Cookie. So. Good.
She looks a little like our Agatha! Agatha has a couple of "blue" feathers.

Yea she does. Snowflake is more white thought, but I just love their color with the white and buff! I hope next year when I hatch some eggs out from her, that I get some right like her. This is snowflake and the roo I will put her with. Do you think I will get chicks of her color, since they are both white with some buff in them?


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