Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

bertha had jet black legs from the start, we called her our lil ostrich cause she was all legs and huge feet. just in the last week her legs have changed color. her sister helga the orange one has very bright yellow legs, both have the comb that started out looking more peaish but have also changed. i'm just trying to figure out what our bargin bin girls are. i guess we will truly find out when she lays her first egg
I'm going to take new pics in a few days because her comb is getting really red and and those shoulder feathers are turning really red. I am going to be so bumbed out if she's a he.
please let us know what happens because i had the same thing happen to one of mine but i sold it before i could find out for sure
I don't think the dyed ones are EEs at all. They look like silver laced Wyandottes which can be quite difficult to sex this early. I'd watch for white wing patches more than the comb at this point. Look down from above and if there are concentrations of white mid-wing, you have a male. I'm honestly suspicious of all of them. The others could well be EEs although the white one would be beardless. No obvious males there but again, it's early. Post again when they're feathered.
Ditto, I believe they are as well. I have 3 EE 3 RIR 2american game and 1 SLW she is a beauty ! Looks exactly the same! You will be very pleased how she turns out. Keep us posted!
Hoping to get some opinions on this Easter Egger. I'm confused by the red since I see it throughout not just shoulders. The age is almost 11 weeks. Hopefully others can chime in to let me know what I have here. If more pics are needed I can get some. Thanks!

Hoping to get some opinions on this Easter Egger. I'm confused by the red since I see it throughout not just shoulders. The age is almost 11 weeks. Hopefully others can chime in to let me know what I have here. If more pics are needed I can get some. Thanks!

A very pretty pullet! At that age, the comb would be much larger and redder if it was a cockerel.
You've met Peal and Gladys...now it's Daphne's turn to be in the spotlight. I'm absolutely thinking pullet with this one, but we know how accurate I've been so far! <sigh>

She's 11 weeks old tomorrow, by the way. Guesses?

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