Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Quote: They are cute. The barring looks more Dom to me, but the combs are odd, not quite rose, not quite single. In the pics, it looks like a single smooth blade down the center? A single comb will have pointy teeth, like the classic image of a chicken. Rose combs at this age look sort of flat, wide, and bumpy. They are pullets, probably mixed but no sign of EE, so chances are you will get brown eggs. But at least you will get eggs!
I purchased these 6 chicks from TSC 4 weeks ago yesterday. they were marked as Ameraucana Pullets. . . .
what do you think? are they all pullets? I have a sneaking suspision that at least one of them is a rooster.





I posted the first pictures one month ago - here they are now. Any thoughts? I am confident the last one is a rooster!






You've met Peal and Gladys...now it's Daphne's turn to be in the spotlight. I'm absolutely thinking pullet with this one, but we know how accurate I've been so far! <sigh>

She's 11 weeks old tomorrow, by the way. Guesses?
I'm guessing pullet, she looks like MY Pearl

I bought 7 Pullets that were advertised as Aracaunas, I knew they weren't them but Easter Eggers, I was only wanting colored eggs. As the Chicks got older I notice the two wold always scrap with each other. They will be 6 wks this coming weekend, I started thinking maybe they were Roosters so I started looking up sexing EE's. The more I read about it the mre confused I get lol Hoping you experts can determine if they are Roos or not. I can tell on the Red one its comb has 3 rows of peas where the black & white one only has one .

Yep, I vote cockerels! Pretty boys though...

Here is my other Easter Egger. Pullet?

Well, mixed guesses on Pearl, Gladys, and Daphne. Let's see if 11 week old Agatha is a her or a him. Once again, I'm thinking she doesn't have to change her name:

I love her coloring! Pullet, I think :)
Challenge! This bird is about 14 weeks. The comb hasn't changed at all in the two and a half weeks I've had it. Some time before I got it, it had a lot of feathers pulled out of its back by another chicken, so they're still growing back in. The back feathers coming in have a little rust on them, and there are a few small rust spots near the wing tips. There's no red or orange that I can detect around the shoulders. At 14 weeks, it doesn't crow. It's not very vocal in general. It will make a kind of cheeping noise, almost like a chick. Here are the pics. It's feathers are a little mussed; I had it in a towel for medical purposes. The eye you can't see got pecked and isn't doing very well. :-( I'm hoping for girl. This is the friendliest bird I have. When I had it wrapped up this morning, looking at the bad eye, it fell asleep, purring in my hand. I'll still keep it if it's a boy, though. ;-)
is a boy
I got 6 straight run ees this year and 4 are boys. I don't care I'm keeping 2 of them. Lol. I'm a sucker for pretty roosters

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