Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

I'm looking for confirmation on two chicks and help with one.

These chicks are around 12 weeks old.

This first one I was convinced was a pullet because of size (much smaller than the other two) and comb (smaller and less "ruffled). But I noticed 'she' has pointed saddle feathers, so now I am convinced it's a little roo:

This one has been roostery since 2 weeks:

This one I've been thinking is a roo because it has been pretty close in development with the white one in both size and comb, but I am having second thoughts. These second thoughts may have only come around because I don't want three roosters and this one now seems the least roostery now. It is also the friendliest of the three.
And of course, it's the one I couldn't get a real in focus shot of:

Thank you for any input!
They all look like roosters to me
My EEs are on the young side, in these pics about 4 weeks old. Trying to determine gender, I know a little early but I hate getting attached to birds I can't keep. Any guesses would be appreciated.

I believe this to be a pullet by the coloring on the chest, pics really don't do the chest color justice, it's what I guess is considered salmon (kind of has a pinkish-ness to it).. She is almost fully feathered.

And this one, I thought by what I had been reading color/pattern this was a pullet, but s/he has a 3 rowed comb and no feathers down the back, just at the top between the wings, the rest is down. Also in the last week around the neck is now developing orangish feathers. You can see a tiny bit of that in the second pic.

Ooooh very pretty bird! I love the coloring! I am not experienced enough to be much help with sexing chicks yet, I think EE's can be tricky. I vote pullet though so far though if I compare your bird to mine that looks kinda similar.
I have been trying to figure out who crowed this morning when I went into the coop... they are all just six weeks old, and when I looked in the direction of the crowing, there were three in a group, one EE and two polish. I think it could be the EE (sold by hatchery as pullet but...?) and of all the birds, that one is the largest and does not like to be held at all. All the others are lap chickens! Here's the possibilities - the polish were sold as straight run so that seems like it might be possible, especially the red one who has always acted roo-ish, wanting to perch higher, breaking up squabbles, etc. I don't think its the black polish...but...what do you folks think? I have been going through this thread and am still confused... sorry. The other clue I have is when they moved to the outdoor coop one week ago and I turned off the lights they all started peeping, terrified and ran to get under the large EE. I turned the light back on and they were fine... but that's who they ran to for safety.

I have been trying to figure out who crowed this morning when I went into the coop... they are all just six weeks old, and when I looked in the direction of the crowing, there were three in a group, one EE and two polish. I think it could be the EE (sold by hatchery as pullet but...?) and of all the birds, that one is the largest and does not like to be held at all. All the others are lap chickens! Here's the possibilities - the polish were sold as straight run so that seems like it might be possible, especially the red one who has always acted roo-ish, wanting to perch higher, breaking up squabbles, etc. I don't think its the black polish...but...what do you folks think? I have been going through this thread and am still confused... sorry. The other clue I have is when they moved to the outdoor coop one week ago and I turned off the lights they all started peeping, terrified and ran to get under the large EE. I turned the light back on and they were fine... but that's who they ran to for safety.
Comparing your two polish, the red one sure has a whole lot of wattle compared to his sister, the black. The EE overall seems to have a fairly even patterning, but yet has a suspicious patch of red appearing on his left side, near the shoulder. I have a fear you may have two boys. Wait it out a bit more and you may catch the culprit crowing, it seems that once the start, they just never stop ;)
Comparing your two polish, the red one sure has a whole lot of wattle compared to his sister, the black. The EE overall seems to have a fairly even patterning, but yet has a suspicious patch of red appearing on his left side, near the shoulder. I have a fear you may have two boys. Wait it out a bit more and you may catch the culprit crowing, it seems that once the start, they just never stop
Here's a pic of the back... is it pretty certain with these red spots it's a roo? seems like in this thread someone said a female cannot have red on their back...

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