Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Here is my 7wk old EE. I believe that he/she is probably a roo except his comb is still fairly pale and he is pretty red all over. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Still hoping he is a she.

My roo
fishnmama, x2 on him being a cockerel. At his this age it's not always the color of the comb, but the size and shape- relatively large, very visible in profile, and what looks like 3 parallel ridges (or rows of peas). A pullet usually has just a single ridge down the center.
Here is my 7wk old EE. I believe that he/she is probably a roo except his comb is still fairly pale and he is pretty red all over. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated. Still hoping he is a she.

I also votecockerel - note the bright red patchy color, and very defined three row pea comb. All these things shout male.
Just checking in with an update. All predictions thus far have been spot on, and I'm going to maintain that the feather "coronas" are definitely an early sign of a male, per my observations.

I do have a shadow of a doubt about this lil' one. I was sure it was a cockerel, but I caught him (?) squatting the other day when I went to pet his back. I'm still feeling roo, but what are


Compared to his full sister from the same hatch:

He's (?) been consistently smaller and much slower to develop than his siblings.
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Just checking in with an update. All predictions thus far have been spot on, and I'm going to maintain that the feather "coronas" are definitely an early sign of a male, per my observations.

I do have a shadow of a doubt about this lil' one. I was sure it was a cockerel, but I caught him (?) squatting the other day when I went to pet his back. I'm still feeling roo, but what are


Compared to his full sister from the same hatch:

He's (?) been consistently smaller and much slower to develop than his siblings.
he looks like a cockerel, with those feathers on his shoulder, big legs, the red face/comb, and that tail...

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