Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

This is the last of my EE batch that I'm uncertain of. This is about week 9 for him/her and s/he is starting to look more cockerel than pullet to me. Obviously, I'd prefer the opposite, but what can you do? Is she turning out to be a he or is my paranoia just making me see things that way?

That's a splash Ameraucana as far as I can see, not an EE - but it does look to be a boy.
I remember this one! Certainly a chicken of distinction.
Don't remember if I had guessed when you originally posted, but at 19 weeks it must be a pullet. I think. Maybe. My first impression is that it is a cockerel due to its shape and coloring. The male BRs have wider white bars making them lighter overall, which is how this chicken looks around the neck and head. There's that lone curving tail feather too. Any spur buds developing? I can't see any boy hackle or saddle feathers, but I have no experience with frizzles, so not sure I could identify them anyway. The comb is in the pullet range for size, and so if it's a pullet, must be getting closer to the point of lay. I would expect a cockerel to have a much larger comb by now. So, I can say, with a great deal of certainty, I'm not sure.
A boyish looking pullet or a slooooow developing cockerel? Hoping for your sake Bubba is a Bubbalina. Thinking pullet, but I don't want to jinx you!
Please update when you know for sure.
Thanks!! I do see spur buds developing and legs are thick, but I know this doesnt always mean anything. As for the coloring, only one of the parents was barred which results in the lighter barring (this is sex linked in BRs but not an indicator of gender here). I still think it must be a roo but it sure doesnt act like one! I will post an update when I know for sure :) Hopefully that will be soon!!!!!
Two things became apparent a little while ago, when I believe I over heard an attempt at a crow.
1) I am clearly a chicken newbie- more than I realized.
2) My favorite lady is no lady.. But a roo. Am I correct? Please tell me she's just a lovely lovely hen. :(

Two things became apparent a little while ago, when I believe I over heard an attempt at a crow.
1) I am clearly a chicken newbie- more than I realized.
2) My favorite lady is no lady.. But a roo. Am I correct? Please tell me she's just a lovely lovely hen.

I think you are correct, that looks like a lovely roo to me.
Thanks!! I do see spur buds developing and legs are thick, but I know this doesnt always mean anything. As for the coloring, only one of the parents was barred which results in the lighter barring (this is sex linked in BRs but not an indicator of gender here). I still think it must be a roo but it sure doesnt act like one! I will post an update when I know for sure :) Hopefully that will be soon!!!!!
You got that barred thing confused. One copy of barring is darker. Two copies is lighter, which only males get.. however, if her father only had one copy of the barring it could have done something like this maybe?

In Barred birds the females get the copy of the barring from their father.. the males get a copy from their mother AND their father, which makes them appear lighter.

Example here. Boy lighter, female darker.

More examples. The two females are second to the left and far right corner.

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