Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Sorry, the chick in question stood on my phone and submitted that before i was done! It's got a bald patch around the comb, was wondering if it was a breed thing (some bantam cross) or a result of a bad hatch? It's got darker feathers on tops of wings and between shoulders. Any ideas on breed, hoping girl for the dogs sake!
Sorry, the chick in question stood on my phone and submitted that before i was done! It's got a bald patch around the comb, was wondering if it was a breed thing (some bantam cross) or a result of a bad hatch? It's got darker feathers on tops of wings and between shoulders. Any ideas on breed, hoping girl for the dogs sake!

That is almost 100% a pullet
Not a sex question...but EEs don't lay white eggs ever do they? Mine is going on 23 weeks old and still no eggs. I have 2 ducks the same age that I think are the ones laying. Someone keeps dropping soft, incompletely shelled white eggs. There were two out in the run today...even though 6 out of 7 days I have a perfectly formed cream egg waiting for me in the nest box when I let them out in the morning. Only find soft ones out in the run, so I don't get it...still getting the laying thing down I guess? I really thought I'd see blue eggs by now though...
My EE's (I have 5 of them) started laying between 18 and 20 weeks.

It is my understanding that an EE can lay any color egg. What color are her ears? legs? Does she have a beard and/or muffs? Comb type? All of these are related to egg color.
My EE's (I have 5 of them) started laying between 18 and 20 weeks.

It is my understanding that an EE can lay any color egg. What color are her ears? legs? Does she have a beard and/or muffs? Comb type? All of these are related to egg color.
I think you're right about EEs laying any color, really. I suppose it depends on what and how often they are crossed away from the blue/green egg gene. From my research, it's the comb and the ears that are related to the blue/green gene rather than legs and beard/muffs, but even with the comb and ears, you can still be completely surprised with what you get!

I think that anything can happen with an EE, really. It's one of the things I enjoy most about them is that they are a constant surprise!

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