Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Can I jump in? I have an EE, she/he came out of a green egg - s/he is totally black. My question is can EE hens be all black? I will try to get a good shot of s/he today, gosh she/he will not be still long enough for me to get a good profile shot, always on the move. S/he has a pea comb and s/he is now 12 weeks old.
Like I said, I will post pics later, hopefully good ones but was wondering because I have not seen a pic of an all black female EE.

EE's can look like anything, so yes, she can be all black! Pics would be good just to make sure she is a she. I have two beautiful all black Easter Egger pullets whose father was a non-standard Ameraucana and mother was a "wild-type"/partridge Easter Egger.

(Wildtype sisters on the left, Buff Orps and Black EEs on the right.)
Awesome! thanks for the fast reply. I also have some Ameraucana bantams, a month old - or they are supposed to be, some of them have feathered feet, lol. But they do have the typical Ameraucana markings, wheaton, blue and I think partridge? (look like a little hawk).
It took me days but I think I read 80% of this thread, lol.
Can I jump in? I have an EE, she/he came out of a green egg - s/he is totally black. My question is can EE hens be all black? I will try to get a good shot of s/he today, gosh she/he will not be still long enough for me to get a good profile shot, always on the move. S/he has a pea comb and s/he is now 12 weeks old.
Like I said, I will post pics later, hopefully good ones but was wondering because I have not seen a pic of an all black female EE.
I have an all black Easter Egger. She has a pea comb, and no beard, but she came out of a green egg and is pure black. She almost looks rumpless right now.

I'll get you a photo so you can compare :)
Ok, here is Ester, or Festus, we don't know yet, lol. But this bird is a real trick and full of herself too. There is no moth safe near her/him, lol.

Front view of peacomb

Sunbathing, I love watching them sunbathe and dust bath!

This one is a bit blurry, as this bird is hardly ever still

The white specks on its tail feather are paint, because my chickens are too nosey for their own good!
Clgriff, that's a cockerel. Not because of the solid color but because of the big, red comb at 12 weeks. A pullet doesn't show that much comb until at least 16 weeks.
Yeah Debid, that is what I suspected for some time now.
hahaha, I thought the odds were supposed to 50/50 for hens and cocks, but I got 1 hen out 5!

I was hoping for at least 2
Thanks for your reply, I was hoping against odds Ester was not Festus......
Do you think it is normal for a 22, almost 23, week old EE Roo to NOT be crowing AT ALL or mounting? He is an obvious Roo, I have posted pics on here before of him. He is getting in darker tail feathers, mixed in with his grey ones.

The only other Roo close to his age went to freezer camp 4ish weeks ago (he was a RSL that we were planning to process, plus he was starting to develop bumblefoot due to foot deformities from hatch). The other Roos are 10-11 weeks old. No crowing from them, plus they are still much smaller.
Do you think it is normal for a 22, almost 23, week old EE Roo to NOT be crowing AT ALL or mounting? He is an obvious Roo, I have posted pics on here before of him. He is getting in darker tail feathers, mixed in with his grey ones.

The only other Roo close to his age went to freezer camp 4ish weeks ago (he was a RSL that we were planning to process, plus he was starting to develop bumblefoot due to foot deformities from hatch). The other Roos are 10-11 weeks old. No crowing from them, plus they are still much smaller.
Not in my experience with them. But every rooster is different.

Care to share some pictures?
Do you think it is normal for a 22, almost 23, week old EE Roo to NOT be crowing AT ALL or mounting? He is an obvious Roo, I have posted pics on here before of him. He is getting in darker tail feathers, mixed in with his grey ones.

The only other Roo close to his age went to freezer camp 4ish weeks ago (he was a RSL that we were planning to process, plus he was starting to develop bumblefoot due to foot deformities from hatch). The other Roos are 10-11 weeks old. No crowing from them, plus they are still much smaller.

My mom's mixed breed rooster didn't crow until six months. He made up for his lateness with frequency... That guy crowed about EVERYTHING!

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